Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:29

Sony announce the A7mk3 with new BSI 24MP sensor

This looks an impressive balance of features and for a more reasonable price which hasn't sky rocketed like a lot of prices have recently:

Sony launches a7 III: sub-$2000 24MP full frame mirrorless with a9/a7R III advances

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:30

Yeah looks like it could be a winner. Had a bit of discussion on the general thread already. TP has pages of chat about it already, makes for funny reading 

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:31

Which general thread?I was going to post it in the general thread here but felt it was worth of its own thread, I've toyed with a basic A7 before just to see how I got on but it seemed too stripped down compared to its high priced siblings.The new A7 seems to strike a much better balance all round and I'm looking forward to seeing what the new BSI sensor can do as I'm quite happy with 25MP but if the DR and high ISO are good then I'll be tempted to give it a go.


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:31

This one

Photography General Chat Thread

Also plenty of arguments and debate on here already 
The Amazing Sony A7 / A9 / Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

This camera has peaked my interest and could be a one camera solution for me as size and weight is not too dissimilar to my Olly, but I have my reservations. Sony cameras keep promising so much but in the end they tend to be flawed. Plus I’m not 100% keen on the ergonomics, the lenses are too expensive and they don’t do a long enough lens. Still, I will watch it with interest as I think this could be a winner. Sigma have announced a whole series of Art lenses for e-mount too so we might finally see a shift of 3rd party manufacturers taking the e-mount seriously and we might get some very good cheaper lenses 

Edit, sorry it wasn't the general section it was in the photography show thread 

CFC1 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:32

Cameralabs early review ...

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:33

Remarkable spec list and keenly priced.

Sample gallery posted online.

Sony a7 III sample gallery

Early feedback is there may be issues with striping on backlit scenes.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:34

Is that striping with electronic shutter or mechanical?

wysinawyg Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:35

Just disappointing that they've opted for hard wiring an MC11 adaptor onto the ends of their Canon glass...

I mean not quite, they are meant to give better compatibility than a Canon lens on an adaptor, but it will be interesting to see just how good / bad the autofocus actually is.

I'd also rather they'd looked at bringing some zooms / cheaper primes over rather than just the Art primes - but I suspect the zooms are harder to get right (when they're essentially adapting Canon glass) and going for the higher end stuff maybe makes more sense even if it is a bit less differentiated from what is there already.

24-70 / 24-105 at half the price of Sony (if it worked well) would have been super interesting though.

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:35

The samples are reportedly all using mechanical shutter producing SOOC JPEGs. It's different to the electronic shutter banding, appears as more of a pinstripe on the models face.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:35

Apparently AF is supposed to be considerably better than the using Canon etc with the MC11 but we'll just have to wait and see.

I've actually been looking at my options and am tempted by the A7R III, IF the AF can match my D750. It would be nice to have one system rather than two, and it would be nice to have FF to take on holiday etc too, although my EM1 is no slouch. The reason for the R version would be to crop to compensate for a lack of 600mm reach lens.

It's hard to justify though, I could sell all my gear and probably only afford the camera plus the 70-200mm f2.8, can't really justify that 
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