Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:20

Merc GLC anybody have first hand experience???

I keep seeing GLE mercs about and thinking WOW
Saw what I thought was a smaller version a while back but wasn’t sure
However yesterday I saw a GLC and realise that was it
The GLA I have been in at a dealers last year didn’t like it
Wondering if anyone has a glc if so how are you finding it???

Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:21

Had a close up look today but they are far too big for me, finally got to sit in an SLC after years of wondering would my knees be under OR either side of the steering wheel....... happily under so plans are to chop in my 218 active tourer for one of those when I come to change

Astaroth Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:22

A former colleague had a GLC and suffered the known crabbing issue when the wheels are on/near full lock. When last I spoke to him Merc were only offering to switch to softer compound tyres but looking online it appears Merc may have now accepted a design flaw in the RHD versions.

Subtle switch in plans then from SUV to 2 seater roadster?

Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:23

Always wanted the roadster since having a renault wind for 10 months...( a grandchild came along so needed more than 2 seats!!!!)
Seperated now so only ever need the 2 again
It is a tossup though between the SLC and an M240i softop

Astaroth Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:24

We had a SL500 before moving to London so understand the appeal and it was just about practical enough to have as an only car but just wasnt using it enough to justify the depreciation after moving here.

Personally don't like soft tops hence was looking at the SLK (as it was at the time) or the SL to replace our VW Eos

Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:25

I get what you mean, in all honesty an odd taxi ride would be more suitable for me or the bus these days........ I actually hate driving and have done for a few years so avoid it often

Astaroth Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:26

I like driving but in central London it's just crazy to drive for an hour, fight to find a parking space, then pay £4/hr or more when I can jump on a tube and be closer to where I want within 15 minutes.

When wanting to go out of London its a pain not having a car but its not that common an event - we were using our car 1-2 times a month and half of those were simply to use it.

Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:27

I lose count on the amount of times I have set off on a longish trip (even 15-20 miles) but have turned around and come home 2 miles away
Headed for the lakes got 20 miles came home really cba any more

Ned Senior Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:27

But I like a nice piece of plastic (sorry metal)

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 00:04:27

I know you've change your mind  But hey any excuse to post a picture. Yup got some first hand experience.

Whatever you do, don't do it. As mentioned above there is an inherent problem with these cars and if you find out only after 30 days you are stuffed. Ours had done 21K miles, and had 4 sets of tyres already. Mercedes has now even stopped changing the tyres, they are useless, not even denying it, and calling it a characteristic that is safe. The ombudsman is with them, but paid for by them so no real surprise and totally useless. VOSA simply confirm it is safe, which I'm sure it is. It is nice when the temperatures are warm, an absolute embarrassment to drive around corners otherwise.

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