Stuart Dow Publish time 25-11-2019 00:06:51

Dissertation Research

Hi all,

I appreciate that there are already a few dissertation questionnaires floating around these forums and often there is a negative reaction to these (due to a lack of research on the posters behalf).
I have spent time reading through the feedback other posters have received regarding the quality of their surveys, furthermore, I have conducted a pilot survey to increase the quality and relevance of the questions included. If you have any feedback or questions regarding this survey I am more than happy to enter a discussion with any of you.

I am currently in my final year of a BA: Honours degree at Edinburgh Napier University studying Business Management. As part of my final year, I am required to complete a dissertation, which involves conducting primary research.The dissertation title is“A study on the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour within the UK motor industry, focusing on the rise of electric vehicles”.

The key questions, which my research intends to provide answers to are:

1/. Which factors are driving the change in consumer buying behaviour towards hybrid and electric vehicles in the UK?

2/. Which barriers need to be overcome for EV’s to be as successful as ICE vehicles in the UK?

3/. What must car manufacturers do in order to increase sales of their respective EV models?

Electric vehicle owner’s survey:

The survey is anonymous and will take around five minutes. I thank you in advance for your participation.

Kind regards,

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:06:51

Hi Stuart, academic surveys aren't usually an issue but you need to run them past forum admin first.
Use this link and select To: forum administration and explain the nature of your survey to them.

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Stuart Dow Publish time 25-11-2019 00:06:52

Hi IronGiant,

I just sent them a request. Thanks for your prompt response 


IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:06:52

@Stuart Dow I've restored the Survey link for you 
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