Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:49

Help Me find the title of this book...

No prizes other than a warm fuzzy glow and also a get out of jail free card which will remove your infraction history*

Anyway. Its a kids book, I read it a (ahem) a few years back and its about a boy who ends up in jail for stealing oranges, and then eats them, skins and all, so that there is no evidence.

Back to you..........

* Not really, sorry!

bigtruck Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:50

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

PoochJD Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:51


The story was a short-story called: "Seventeen Oranges" by Bill Naughton. And because I'm so good, here's the story in full - click here!

One gratis "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" sil vous plait? 


Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:51

Could have sworn it was part of a larger story.....thanks though!

PoochJD Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:51

It may have been in a collection of short stories you read, or a collection of short stories by the same author. Either reason would explain why you think it was part of a larger story... Unless by some miracle there's another story in which a boy steals oranges, and then eats them all up, to cover-up his crime. 


Apsilon Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:52

It's part of a set of stories including "The Fib". Read it years ago. A lad gets held in a caravan for stealing oranges whilst the police come to arrest him so he eats them all, pips, peel the lot, to get rid of the evidence. They arrive and can smell them but can't prove it as they are gone.

Great set of stories. One is about a lad who lies about Bobby Charlton being his uncle (The Fib), one is about a go-karter, another is about two schoolboy runners and another is about two rival schoolboy footballers, a keeper and a striker who have penalty comp at a fairground. The striker has 3 chances and misses the first two which are saved before he says to his mate Smedley or something: "go and get my boots and ill smash him to bits". Why I can remember this I have no idea.... It end years later with keeper a pro footy player and the bully striker a drop out.

Google "The Fib" and you should find it..

The Fib and other stories by George Layton. It's not in the fib but is in one of those compilation like the balaclava boy. I'll have a look.

Seventeen Oranges by Bill Naughton..

dangerjohn Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:52

Old I know but the story collection by Bill Naughton containing Seventeen Oranges is called The Goalkeeper's Revenge.

Apsilon Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:52

I remember that story. It's about the lad who is a goalie and saves the penalties from the bully at a fair and goes on to be a pro and meets the bully striker years later. Is that the one?

Ozcolm Publish time 25-11-2019 04:06:52

Anyone know the name of the compilation book. Loved it. Also had a short story about a familya calledthe Hegarty’s
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