Backspace Publish time 25-11-2019 04:12:54

Who likes trivia?

I'm not much into reading fiction. I used to read a lot of Mysteries, SciFi and Westerns but as I got older I just wanted to learn and know stuff.

I get a kick out of Uncle John's Bathroom Readers and I've collected quite a few so far.

Dog Lovers Companion
Impossible Questions and Astonishing Answers
Book Of The Dumb
Fake Facts (this sucked)
Political Briefs
True Crime
Endlessly Engrossing
Salutes The Armed Forces
Extraordinary Book Of Facts

Tunes Into TV
Plunges Into Hollywood
Sports Spectacular
Pluges Into Texas
Plunges Into The Universe
The Best Of The Best
Plunges Into History
Plunges Into Music
The World's Gone Crazy

Zipper Accidents
Funniest Ever
Weird Inventions
Wonderful World Of Odd
Absolutely Absorbing
Wise Up!
History's List
Attack Of The Factoids
Flush Fiction

Plunges Into Great Lives
Tales To Inspire

Chillie6 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:12:55

How you doing. Seems to be not many people interested in trivia. I have a couple of hifi mags and some gardening books in my toilet (bathroom if you prefer)  This is in my outside loo. Book shelves could be your next project 

Backspace Publish time 25-11-2019 04:12:56

Shelves? did you say SHELVES ??

The headboard I savaged from my water bed: 


Shelf I made for my DVD movie collection:


Shelves for my TV season collection and in the hallway, the shelf for the bedding (and the hamper) for my dog. He'll be 15 in July and he wets his bed:


Shelves I made for my dishes:


Two (brown) shelves I've added in my food pantry:


Later I'll be adding a shelf for my boom box. 

Almost forgot the shelf for my entertainment center:


By the way they're all in my room except for the hallway.

Chillie6 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:12:57

I wish I hadn’t said anything now

Just a few dvds I see
Re dog, as they say , old age never comes alone Won’t be long before I need incontinence pants 

Backspace Publish time 25-11-2019 04:12:57

You and me both. 
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