johnbower Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:28

The Walking Dead comic


After some advice i got a walking dead issue 1 for £100 yesterday

It is a really nice copy only problems are a couple of small rough edges and 3 spine stress marks.

Was it worth it?

Also would it be worth going to get it CGC graded and what do you think it might be.

MrSossidge Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:29

I don't think you've actually bought what you think you've bought.

Even with the spine marks and rough edges it could be worth considerably more than what you paid if it is the genuine article.

Can you post a picture?

Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:30

Check here Welcome to | The Free Online Comic Book Price Guide to see exactly what you've purchased.

stevenM Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:31

I'm assuming its re-released version not he original #1

johnbower Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:31

I know what the reprints 10th anniversary ones are.

Photo attached it's The Walking Dead issue 1 from October 2003 1st print.

Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:32

Cool. Looks like a good purchase, not sure it would be worth getting graded as most people only want a 9.8 or above if graded (from my own experience of selling my 9.6 graded copy)

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:33

Looks like a nice purchase!

johnbower Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:34

I am thinking about having it pressed as there is slight bend on the topleft hand corner.

Not sure how to get it out other than a professional press however that said having looked on the forums some people are for pressing some against it.

Also not sure what to insure for if I send to America to get pressed and graded.

From what I can see not many of these around there were just over 7000 printed.

That said I do love it and it has rekindled my love of comics. I just want to keep hold of it now.

Looking forward I know now at the moment they are not as popular as they were but anyone think it may still hold a good value given how few there are I mean not a large print run was it.

Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:35

Personally, I wouldn't get it pressed as it is unlikely to increase the value or grading (if you get it graded). As stated, if looking to sell, I'm sure you could make a profit, but it's never going to hit the lofty heights of a 9.8 value.

I purchased my 9.6 graded copy for under £350 and sold it for around £900 after a couple of years of owning it.

dannygreen Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:35

Nice! thanks for sharing 
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