figoagogo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:28

Which Kindle?

Wifey wants a Kindle for Christmas (its her Birthday on the same day!).

She already has and uses a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0for some books bought off Amazon. I don't think its ideal due to bright back light and eye strain. The Tab goes everywhere with her, so can always be used out and about.

So she needs a Kindle for home use, day time and night time (so some lit screen would help). It does not need to be the tiniest as it will rarely go out of the house.

Not really into my books or Kindles, can you recommend what you think is the best model and where to buy from other than Amazon...

Key points:
Light weight to holdReadable at night - but not overly brightDoes not have to be smallNo need for 3G or touchDoesn't have to be the dearest or even the cheapest as she will be getting lots of presents //
I would consider an alternative to a Kindle but we have already started buying books from Amazon, so it would have to be compatible with these - not even sure that is possible!

Any deals out there?


IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:29

Just for the night reading I think the new paperwhite kindle is going to take some beating at £109, but I think it's only available at Amazon for now...

figoagogo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:30

Yeah heard of the Paper White, may read up on it.

psikey Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:30

I've posted some feedback and photos on the paperwhite in this thread

Only released today and already a wait until end Novemeber for delivery now so get one ordered if its the one you want.

figoagogo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:30

Thanks - I have ordered a Paperwhite. She reads most at bedtime (I can't stand the glare from her tablet!) so it makes sense to have a light built in.

Its looks to be the most upto date spec.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:30

£49 this week in Waterstones - the normal one, not paperwhite.

Kindle (Book) (2012):

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:30

One of the major reasons why a Kindle is bloody annoying is this - the sorting of books. I use collections based on Author names, but you still cannot arrange books as you want them.

These are books bought from Amazon, but even if you have make your own books from text and use Calibre to add Series tags, the Kindle will ignore them and list them Alphabetically.


I asked Kindle, and got this reply:

Me:How can I sort my books in my Kindle? For instance, a trilogy that I have put into a collection by Author, but the books within are listed alphabetically. There seems to be no way to assign a series number to them.

Amazon: I'll be happy to help you today.


Amazon:Hi Theydon , you can sort Kindle content on your Home screen by Recent, Title, Author or Collections. However you won't have the customer sort option in the current software version.

Me:I have had a Kindle for a few years now, and it seems to be a very basic request - a device that can hold 1000's of books, yet will not arrange them anything other than alphabetically. Is this feature due for a future update? I have updated my PW to the latest firmware and its not on that.

Amazon:Yes, I'll make sure to forward your suggestion to the Kindle business team for consideration in the next software update.
Please feel free to forward further comments and suggestions about Kindle to . Each suggestion will be read and taken into consideration.


Amazon:You're Welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Me the PW2 have this option?

Amazon:No, Theydon . We don't have the custom sorting feature even in the latest Kindle paperwhite. At this time, you can only sort the Home screen contents by Recent, Title, Author or Collections.
-Title lists your content alphabetically by title
-Author lists your content alphabetically by author
-Recent lists your content chronologically with your most recently accessed titles displaying at the top of the page.]

Me:thank you, I will email then.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:31

I emailed them:

They replied:

BT Bob Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:31

Interesting. You're right - it is really frustrating.

I know the UI is completely different, but this is so easy in iBooks on the iPad/iPhone (the new one in Mavericks is bloody awful, but that's another story).

Let's hope they listen - you can't be the only one who's contacted them about it.

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:31

This is similar to a problem I used to have listing mp3s in your wanted correct order.

One workaround is jus to number the books, but do 001,002 etc or else it goes 1,11,12,2,21 etc.

Not ideal but one solution.
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