FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:57

Comic Book Fans, I Need Your Help!

Hi all,

I'm in the early stages of planning to open a local bricks and mortar comic book shop. As part of of this planning I'm conducting some market reasearch to get a feel of what people buy, how they buy and what they would like to see from a comic book store. At the moment, the research is just to get a general feel for things, more local research will be carried out at a later date.

I have created a survery which will ask the questions and record the answers to be reviewed later. The survery can be found here:

Comic Book Store Survey

Note, no personal information is recorded on the survey so it's completely anonymous.

If you have 10 minutes spare, I'd appreciate it if you could complete the above survey and perhaps use this thread to air your views on comic book shops in general, what they do well, what they don't, what you would like to see etc, etc. All of your input will help shape what will ultimately become an awesome comic book store, which hopefully some of you may use one day.

Mods, as I'm not advertising a product or service, I'm hoping that I'm not breaking any forum rules or that this is considered spam but if this is deemed as inappropriate, please move/remove as necessary.

Thank you for your time.

FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:58

Not quite what I was expecting but despite there being no replies to the thread, the response to the survery has been awesome and I wanted to thank those who have taken part so far.


Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:59

Good luck with it!

vtrmart Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:59

Where are you opening the shop?

KiLLiNG-TiME Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:59

Good luck hope it all works out for you.

FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:24:59

Thanks guys, it'll be in Gloucester, hopefully. 
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