SamF Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:42

WHAT THE?!!!! Thor to become a Woman?????

What is going on?

Sorry if this has been started somewhere else - I couldn't find it (do we have a comic book section?)
And, I know this is a recast in the comic book series..... But what does that lead to in the future......

Marvel Proudly Presents Thor | News |

hippo99 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:42

Nothing. None of the movies really follow the comic book storylines

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:43

A Books & Literature Forum which comic books are talked about which I will move this to.

As to the story how can the title or the person be called Thor, Thor is the son of Odin name, not a title like Captain America is for Steve Rogers or Carol Danvers title of Ms Marvel which has been passed on to an other person and now Carol Danvers is called Captain Marvel.

SamF Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:44

Thanks for the move - I would have never found that!

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:44

The Graphic Novels / Comic Books thread Pt 2 | Page 70 | AVForums

@Sam Crow posted this in the thread above, so locking - and Welcome to the Comic/Book section!
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