Hillskill Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:29

Started Gothic last night. Found myself a nice little read order so once I have finished this it will be on to Killing Joke and Death in the Family 

Dazimus Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:29

Quite enjoying Year One but are all of the comics filled with cursive text? I'm finding it harder to read than I'd like and I'm not sure I could be bothered going through more Batman if the text is the same in all the other stories.

kristoffer Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:29

I just finished the Black Glove and wow! This is the most adult themed Batman I have ever seen.
I made the mistake of reading the 3 Morrison Batman and Robin books BEFORE I read this.                                                                                                                                         /proxy.php?image=http://forum.blu-ray.com/images/smilies/icon_surprised.gif&hash=3f40f9b55069946b824d81191af4e444       
I have Batman RIP in the mail and afterwards I have read that I will read the 3 comics again.

I rank the other Batman comics I have read this way:

The Dark Knight Returns ( Masterpiece )
The Killing Joke
The Black Mirror ( loved the stories with James Gordon Jr. )
Batman Year One
The Long Halloween
Batman Knightfall
Court of Owls
Battle for the Cowl ( had potential, but way too short. I loved the concept of a Batman that kills…)

how would you rate the Batman comics ?

I still need to read:

Batman Under The Red Hood
Batman A Death In The Family

vtrmart Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:30

If you can get your hands on them ( deleted titles) , Batman: Legends of the dark knight "venom", "shaman" and "prey" are brilliant. In the early days of the the LOTDK series, the first 4/5 arcs were written and drawn by some of the top talent in the industry back then. Shaman inspired the first part of Batman Begins. Although not strictly Batman, "Selina's big score" is a great read, written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke. It's remained under the radar despite the quality of the creator and the book itself but is worth anyone's time.
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