cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:08

statues / figures for sale


Just trying to see if there is any interest from the comic readers on here on a few items I might be selling.

Not sure how many people on here look at the classifieds and then the movie memorabila section.I've had one statue on there and almost 200 views but no bites or comments.

I need to try and raise some funds so am wondering whether to sell of a few bits ones or stick a load of little ones up and wanted to know what you guys think.

Things I've got and might have to sell are :

Jim Lee Batman andAlex Ross Superman Signature series box sets DC Direct Artist Signature Series: EXCLUSIVE EDITION BATMAN: HUSH Action Figure (Jim Lee): Toys & Games

Jim Lee mini statues matching set for batman and superman lee superman mini statue

Might have a full size one of the superman, can't remember for sure but think so.

all the seperate Hush figures, all the dark knight figures, some kingdom come figures.

A load of bowen mini statues/bust including first green hulk mini bust, green and gray mini bowen statue, spider-man red and black version and loads of others.

Big collection of eaglemoss figures about 80 marvel ones and 20dc ones.

Thanks in advance.


cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:09

No-one ?

I was sure there were some Jim Lee fans on here.

Oh well have to stick them on the bay and see what happens I guess.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:10

No room to display them and in my case many many things in the queue before I bought one. They are lovely though, and hope you get a good price.

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:10

thats my problem nowadays no room so all in there boxes.

Think i'll make an ad in the morning and leave it up for a few days before i try ebay.

Our Year Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:11

wish i had the cash .. good luck with the sale 

Soundwave Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:12

I'd be all over the Jim Lee Bats & Supes but they are way too expensive for me...they look lush though.

I have way too much in the way of Pre-orders with Transformers Masterpiece figures & Hot Toys that these as well would be way too much I'm afraid

Hope you find a buyer though as they really need to be owned, cherished & displayed.


cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:13

cheers guys , if they have to i'd rather let them go to someone on here. I got the two boxsets brand new in 04/05 , thought they might be worth a bit more but batman seems to have dropped in price. I am trying to keep there as i'd love to have them signed one day but i imagine a queue for either lee or ross would be big.

Trying to shift dc & marvel eaglemoss figures first and then some mini statues i reckon got loads of bowen if anyone interested in single please ask.

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:14

I have both the Superman and Batman you linked full size statues and completing the trinity the best of the 3 and one of my all time favorite statue is this full size Wonder Woman which I'm sure one they did an hour documentary with Bob Monkhouse showing round his home and studio and I'm sure he had one of the same.

P.S. think personal sales would have to go in classified if not you have been better in the memorabilia forum. If you want it moved ask this forum mod to move it.

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:14

Cheers Garrett,

I've got a thread in there, this was just to inform people who look in this section and not the classifieds.

That statue is very nice, and I agree they make a good trinity.I love Brian Bollands covers and loads of his are some of my favourites.

Was just thinking that I didn't see you or Pooch post as much these days, didn't one of you used to do a thread on films on tv.

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:15

PoochJD use to do an up and coming TV series, I do an ocasional film of intrest thats coming on TV like last night I gave an head up for The Birds.
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