Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:29

Anyone want some old Sci-Fi books? (free)

I've got a few boxes of books from the likes of Roger Zelzany, Poul Anderson, Harry Harrison and a load of Sci-fi authors I've never heard of.There a real mix of odds and sods, and most of them are paperbacks hailing back to the 80s.Probably a couple of hundred in total.If anyone wants them then let me know, and I'll stick a free ad up in the classifieds.


PS I'm near Cambridge, these will obviously need collecting

Maeffect Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:29

Am I too late?

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:30

Only by a couple of months 
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