Peter Parker Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:40

50 Years of the Incredible Hulk

Well the 50th Anniversary of the Hulk seems to have been almost forgotten by Marvel. They did a red/green Hulk 'smash-aversary' logo on some covers, but nothing special like they did for the FF or Spidey.

Just for fun I made up my own logo and had it printed on a mug, but wondered if anyone else would like a bash at making their own logo and posting it here?

The Spidey logo is here:

The FF logo is here:

I'd love to see what other people would design for the Hulk.



bfrench Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:41

Hello mate,
                this is one of my favourite Hulk covers and might look good with
                the green one bearing up under the strain of a large 50.



Peter Parker Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:42

Hi Barry,

Funnily enough I did think of that Steranko cover, as well as the one used for FOOM 2 (from an original used on Marvelmania mag 3 I think it was), but in the end I used one of Kirby's Hulks from the 60s:

Only because he was the first to draw the Hulk, and it was the pose from a large poster I used to own as a kid. 

I was wondering if anyone else had had a go of making their own 50th anniversary logo, but I guess I'm one of those few sad people that hasn't grown up when it comes to Silver Age Marvel!


bfrench Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:42

typical Kirby pose and toes
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