littlesheepy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:49:10

Kindle Freebie - Twenty Tiny Tales

A friend of mine that has written an ebook of short stories and has made it available for free this weekend (11th/12th February) on amazon.

For anybody that had a kindle or kindle app, feel free to check it out 
Twenty Tiny Tales by Willie Wit

Twenty Tiny Tales eBook: Willie Wit: Kindle Store

littlesheepy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:49:11

Just to let anybody know, if you're interested, my friend's ebook is free on and again this weekend 

littlesheepy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:49:12

Currently number 84 in the top 100 ebook freebies on Thank you to anybody that's downloaded it 
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