drucey Publish time 25-11-2019 04:49:13

My new book - FREE for today! 10,000 miles in a 1.1. litre car

Hi all,

I've just published my first ever book. I certainly didn't do this to make money (whatever money is being raised, I'm adding to our fundraising total) - I just wanted people to read our story.

In 2010, myself and two friends took part in the Mongol Rally. A challenge to get from the UK to Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia in a month. The rules are simple - no support crew/assistance, no GPS, no car with an engine bigger than a 1.2 litre.

We travelled through 15 countries, met some of the most amazing people ever, had our eyes truly opened by the worldwide generosity and inherently goodness of the world. Of course, you still had a few questionable characters!
We raised £15,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

If any of you fancy a light read about our travels, or wanted to know more about the Mongol Rally itself, then please do download it, and I hope you enjoy it. It's FREE today on Kindle/ebook!

US Kindle, UK Kindle, UK Paperback

Hope you enjoy it 
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