DICKIEDUVET Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:01

Bit late to this thread but I had

Tales Of Batman: Gene Colan HC
Tales Of Batman: Don Newton HC
Tales Of Batman: Marshall Rogers HC

Roots Of Swamp Thing HC

The Steve Ditko Omnibus HC

Batman: Death In The Family HC

Treated myself to Marvel Masterworks Defenders Vol1 & 2 HC's

Orson Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:02

I'm also very late to this thread, having been too absorbed in my new Kindle Keyboard, along with several downloaded books.

However, the one I've been bursting to tell people about is a book my wife tracked down for me.

It's a first edition, from 1899 , and it's a history of my town.
It has a receipt of some minor restoration work from several years ago, and it's in absolutely wonderful condition, and is a really fascinating book.

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