Stephen Carter Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:04

'Making of' books

Hi guys, i apologise if this subject has been broached before and there is an existing thread discussing it but i thought id tap into some of your knowledge and wisdom regarding the subject in the title; Making of books.

Now im a sucker for fancy pages pictures etc regarding a certain series/film/franchise and love reading about it all, so my question to you is; What good making of books are out there?

As an example, im looking at picking up the Halo encyclopedia (not strictly a making of book i know, but its in a similar sort of ilk) and thats the sort of book im looking for as well as others that have a good amount of information in them.

My interests vary from films, gaming, TV, sports etc so im fairly interested in many areas which these sorts of books are created. But please feel free to recommend any books out there that some of you may have read/seen etc for me to have a gander at and possibly pick up. Many thanks in advance 

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:04

Not sure if this is what you are after but I've always fancied the Millennium Falcon and Enterprise Haynes manuals, maybe I should drop more hints next year 

Stephen Carter Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:05

I know mate me too. I saw a harry potter one but it's £50 so I didn't think anyone would buy me it so I didn't ask 

Cheers for the info btw.

Stephen Carter Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:06

Anyone come up with anything else???

gitsurfer Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:07

More of a companion book than a 'making of' but The world of Kong: a natural history of Skull Island is excellent. I'm sure any reputable online seller can furnish you with info and reviews.

Stephen Carter Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:08

Cheers for the heads up mate, I'll have a gander 
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