mark1080p Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:50

Copy write/ legality of remixing dance tune

Hi,hope someone can help.I done a remix of an old tune from a well known dance act, which I'd like to upload via YouTube.I don't plan to profiteer in anyway apart from getting my mixes out there.but wondering if there is any complications about doing this?Is it as simple as YouTube taking it down or could it get more serious I.e penalty fines.

I have done a bit of googling, but such a grey area.

Cheers in advance

Axl Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:51

Legally you need permission from the copyright holder.Whether or not they do anything about it is another matter but not sure how that ties in with youtube; whether they digitally sweep and remove or they pass each result over to the holder to decide.Just had a quick google and it's clear as mud how they deal with it.

mark1080p Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:52

Lol yep, it's a bit of a mind field.

nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:53

Either that or their system will kick in, recognise it and it will be monitised by the claiment. When they do that, all you have to do is.... nothing  They place ad's on your video and the original artist get's the revenue.

Most my video's are covers, state that they include copyrighted content and have been monitised by the claiment. Like you I don't monitise my video's, and they don't really batter an eye. When and if you ever get a few million subscribers, if you do decide to monitise, some video's you will get nothing from, others you get to share the revenue with the original artist. Some artists have this option to revenue share, others just claim copyright and they get their money anyway.

I've looked right into it all over the past year or so, and there really are not many video's that will simply be taken down, 99% of the time the original artist claims it and monitises it and that's it.

I have seen remix's of many songs on youtube, they have been up there for years. If you remix somthing or put your own spin on a cover or whatever, it sometimes falls under 'fair use'. Your not monitising anything though, and I guess you dont have 20million subs, so just go ahead and shove it up. Worst case scenario is a strike, of which you get three, but it'll probably just get claimed by the artist. No fines or anything will happen at all, don't worry about that 

Hope it helps.


nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:53



nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:53

PS, Soundcloud is a different story, if they content match something they don't even let you upload it. That's what happened to me there anyway.


mark1080p Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:53

Wow,cheers tris..this has helped. will upload and see what happens.

nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:54

Let me know your youtube channel and I'll come and subscribe and have a listen 


mark1080p Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:54

Hey tris, not got channel set, but here is the remix I uploaded...

It's a 2 min sample of Chemical Brothers - block rocking beats remix I did.
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