DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:00

Behringer BCR2000 & Logic Pro X

Hi all.

I have just bought a Behringer BCR2000 to replace my old BCF2000. I have a problem getting the BCR to control my instrument tracks volume and stereo panning. With my old slider controlled BCF2000 it was simply a case of plug in the controller using usb and the motorised sliders would control the volume of each instrument track for mixing, but with this rotary controlled BCR it doesn't seem to do that even though I have it connected via its provided USB cable. Ant assistance would be appreciated as I can't find anything of help online.


DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:01

What I need to know is how can I map or assign volume from each of my instrument tracks in Logic X to the rotary dials on my BCR2000. I've looked online and I can't see anything that works!!

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:02

Any luck with this Alan?

I've not got any experience with this particular control surface but try the following if you haven't done so already:

Install drivers
It emulates a Mackie control surface so see if there are any presets in Logic for this.
There's a demo version of this software which seems to be a popular option online LC Xmu — Logic/Mackie Control emulation and management
If there are no presets then it should work in learn mode (cmd L)
The best way might be to set up a template file and map all of the channels to the control surface then use this template for any new projects.

DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:03

Cheers Duncan but I returned it. Just didn't work and was more hastle than I wanted in the end. I ended buying a Nektar Panorama P1 instead. £50 more expensive but it works straight out of the box. Good luck with the music tech job 
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