DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:04

Best 3rd party Vocoder for Logic X?

Hi all.

I'm looking into investing in a third party vocoder plugin that is compatible with Logic X.
At present I'm using Logic's built in Vocoder but I'm getting a little frustrated with its limitations.

Anyone point me in the right direction please?

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:05

I've never used the vocoder but the Waves plugins are all top quality. I can send you a $50 voucher through the refer a friend scheme if you wanted to pick it up. The sale ends tomorrow but that would make it $75 which is around £50. Otherwise they have plugin sales every weekend so you could wait for it to go on sale. I see they have a demo download too.

Morphoder Synth Vocoder Plugin | Waves

I just got the V-Comp compressor for $19 with my voucher 

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:06

The Waves Morphoder is on sale for $29 today only if you're still after one.

DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:07

Hiya Duncan.

I've downloaded the Morphoder demo and installed the Waves licence center to my mac but i can't find Morphoder on the list of downloads in the installation type window? any idea what I'm supposed to do?

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:07

From memory you need to download the installer program from their website. That lists every single plugin and so you would just select Morphoder. The other part is activating the plugin in your waves account so that it shows up in the licence centre. I'll have a look at mine tomorrow in case there's anything I'm missing out.

DemonAV Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:08

Hiya mate.
Sorry I got it up & running last night. Works really well, so good in fact I bought the full version. It's a lot different to using the vocoder synth built into Logic as it seems you don't need to side chain it to your audio. Also the midi switching so you can use a controller keyboard seems to switch it off for some reason. I'm sure it's me pressing something wrong as I'm still learning how to use it.
I'll be searching Youtube later for some good tutorials.
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