sheriffwoody Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:29

Accoustic guitar for under £100

my 30th is just around the corner and my sister in law's have asked me what they could get me as a joint present for it, something i can "keep" as such.

so i got thinking maybe a new accoustic guitar.

my current accoustic is an electro-accoustic (built in equaliser type thing on the side) and is made by is only a very cheap guitar that my parents got me for xmas back in 2006 - so quite old now, and showing its age a little.

it also has a round back, not the normal flat back, so making it rest and sit on your leg can be quite tricky.

so i fancy getting a more tradiaitonal flat back accoustic, but need some suggestions please.

budget no more than £100. what should i be looking for? any sites i should look at, or ones i should avoid?

basically, can anyone suggest a decent accoustic guitar for under £100?


reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:30

well don't know if you've read the beginners thread I started...but I posted a bit about a first acoustic in there

personally I went for a fender cd 60
CD-60 Review | Fender | Acoustic Guitars | Reviews @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

100 quid

went for the black one...but ive seen the other finishes in the flesh...nice guitar for the money
...holds it tuning well too

loads of great reviews and vids on youtube

got mine from here
FENDER CD-60 - Sunburst - CD CLASSIC DESIGN -   Reidys Music

fast postage and no complaints about the service

also like epihones played a couple but not the one I've linked...think the similar priced ones have a mahogany body and neck.....though a spruce top......quite like the sound a mahogany body gives you
EPIPHONE DR100 - Vintage Sunburst - SQUARE SHOULDER DREADNOUGHT -   Reidys Music


sheriffwoody Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:31

well, i never ended up getting a guitar for my birthday and have saved the money so thinking about spending a little more on a guitar now.

what are peoples thoughts on the below?

TakamineGD10CE-NS | County Music Ltd | Canterbury
Fender CD-60CE Dreadnought Cutaway Electro Acoustic Guitar | County Music Ltd | Canterbury
Fender CD-140SCE Dreadnought Cutaway Electro Acoustic Guitar | County Music Ltd | Canterbury (personally think this one looks a lot nicer of the two Fender guitars)

i would love a Martin & Co guitar, but they are £500which is just too much tbh.

Axl Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:32

I'd chose the second Fender in black but as with most things hands on, if you can, is the best way to make your mind up.

RBZ5416 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:33

Do you need electro? You'd get a better instrument for your money by foregoing the electronics.

With a bit of playing experience under your belt you could also look at used. That again would get you much better value for money.

sheriffwoody Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:34

electro is just a bit of an added bonus, but appreciate you will get better value for money without it being attached.

from a lazy point of view, i like the built in tuner some have as well.

electro isn't a deal breaker though

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:35

if the electro thing is not a deal breaker ....and your current one is a cut away type....

I would definitely recommend getting to a shop and trying a few full bodied ones....can sometimes be a totally different sound .....a bit more fuller.

I still play my fender as much as my 300 quid crafter.

don't have a go on a taylor gs mini might end up 400 quid shorter 

RBZ5416 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:36

A Snark clip on is only around a tenner.
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