Bill Hicks Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:02

Project England 2014. Looking for a vocalist.

I'm working on an England 2014 song and have produced a track but I need a vocalist who can sing my written vocal.

Here's a link to the instrumental song in AIFF format.

48 Years. Instrumental Template For Vocal by Alan Taylor 7 on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

Below is my rough vocal demo (you can hear why I need a singer ) you can use these lyrics, or adjust them.

48 Years (Demo) Vocal tryout. Open Collaboration. Looking for a vocalist by Alan Taylor 7 on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

And a Youtube video of my vocal demo.

If anyone is interested in collaborating then message me here on AVForums or on Soundcloud.

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