GuitarGuy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:45

Adding drums cheaply to my recordings

I'm looking for a cheap way to add some drums to my recordings.

I've considered using loops and what not but even midi loops playing samples in logic don't quite cut it, I have quite a few tempo changes some deliberately (some not so deliberate  ) and often forget to put them in first so I can't match them up after, I'd rather something I can "record" in real time.

A real kit is out of the question Because of noise, I'd consider an electronic kit if they're relatively cheap but the cheapest I've seen is around £150

Possibly Keyboard based midi live recording?

My current setup is a focusrite saffire 24 through a macbook pro so it has midi in and out.

Most of my stuff is acoustic so rimshot and brush styles are probably mostly what I'm looking for. Maybe even cajon (not sure about spelling, that box with snares across the back of it?)

Any help would be much appreciated.

malk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:46

Have you got the Ex24 synth in Logic?, it has some quite good drum sounds in there, that way, you can tweak them out to make the sound how you need them.
I use the keyboard for drums sounds, i find it alot easier than loops etc...and i can do how i want it too, a bit more control.
Theres quite a few here that use "real" drum sounds, i use more 808 type stuff, but when i have needed a real drum sound..ex24 all the way!!
Also, the ultrabeat,again has good sounds.
I do each drum track seperatly, one at a time, kick, then snare, then hattss etc, then it should come together as one.

GuitarGuy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:47

So the old keyboard with midi out with velocity sensitivity should be fine straight through the focusrite into a software instrument?

malk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:47

Yup, thats the one!!

GuitarGuy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:48

Will give that ago, wheres the cheapest place to get midi cables

7ofnine Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:50

I use Hydrogen drum synth. Takes a while to program in the patterns, but the results have been very good for me. You don't even need any cables.

GuitarGuy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:51

Im starting to find using the midi with my keyboard a breeze, i even added in some orchestral parts to my last recording and they came out great. Thanks for the advice guys

Scott23 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:52

The new drummer aspect in Logic ProX will take some beating in my book. For the first time ever with computer drums, I am struggling at times to tell the difference between it and a 'real' drum track!!

Scott23 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:31:53

Another really cheap option is a drum package called DM1 on the apple store. Brilliant drum sequencer and it cost me something silly like £1.69!!
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