ValentinBk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:58

A new heavy metal instrumental I wrote and recorded

Hey everyone, you might remember me from my guitar videos I post here from time to time, and today Im back with what I consider to be "the real deal" - an instrumental written & recorded entirely by me. Its called "Apocalyptic Visions" its heavy, melodic and its inspired by the end of the world theme and old school heavy metal. And it has my probably most technical solo to date.

So give it a listen, and if you enjoyed it - please share it with someone as I dont have an army of fans to help me get my music across:
For more of my originals check out this playlist:
Originals - YouTube

If you liked the music feel free to like my FB page: Valentin The Mad | Facebook

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:32:59

Sounds good man, great playing! I like the dual guitar leads, very Maiden/A7X sounding. How do you go about recording? it looks like you played each part in one-take which isn't easy.

ValentinBk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:33:00

Thanks for the comment man, glad you enjoyed my instrumental, saw your comment on Youtube aswell.
As for recording - I recorded the video after recording the audio. I considered just putting a picture like I did on previous recordings but decided that video will be more exciting for this one.
For covers and "new solo" videos I always record audio and video at the same time but for a solo piece of mine I didnt want to have any "camera anxiety"(which after 65 videos, I still kind of have).

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:33:00

Hehe, I know what you mean with camera anxiety. It's like that initial anxiety everyone gets when performing live, it gradually fades after the first couple of songs, but with 'one-take' video recordings it's the same adrenaline feeling every time I hit record.

No matter how well I can play a song, I can't record a video take like I can an audio recording.

Edit:: I didn't notice that you weren't playing everything in 'one-take', you must have them riffs and solos down perfectly to sync them up, good work!

ValentinBk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:33:00

Glad to know Im not the only one with this 

ValentinBk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:33:00

btw the instrumental is available for free download for anyone interested: Apocalyptic Visions by ValentinBk on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
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