Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:37

Turnout was 37%.Compared to some other by-elections over the last two decades, that is not too bad (source: BBC):

Manchester Central by-election, 2012 - 18.2%
Leeds Central by-election, 1999 - 19.6%
Wigan by-election, 1999 - 25.0%
Tottenham by-election, 2000 - 25.4%
Cardiff South and Penarth by-election, 2012 - 25.7%
Batley and Spen by-election, 2016 - 25.8%
Middlesbrough by-election, 2012 - 26.0%
Croydon North by-election, 2012 - 26.5%
West Bromwich West by-election, 2000 - 27.6%
Feltham and Heston by-election, 2011 - 28.8%
Preston by-election, 2000 - 29.6%
Kensington and Chelsea by-election, 1999 - 29.7%

No, turnout at Newport was okay and the only reason you see a problem with it is because you personally feel disenfranchised at the moment.I am sorry about that but you really need to understand nobody cares.Others will feel just like you but, as leave centric-Newport shows, not enough to make any real difference.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:37

The only way to get numbers up is putting "none of the above" on the paper and making it the law to vote.

Rasczak Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:37

You have to go back to long before the referendum to try to prove the referendum in 2016 didn't have an impact?

Everyone of those is around 1999-2012. Which suggests voter apathy during a specific period almost a decade ago.

No direct link either. I wonder why.

Even Batley and Spen was from October 2016. Hardly time for anyone to be disenfranchised by voting now.

Still as we are going off the BBC let's stick with that.

Labour wins Newport West by-election

But UKIP is taking encouragement from a vote share of more than 8%, which would be their baseline for keeping a presence in the Senedd at the next Welsh Assembly elections.

As it happened: Newport West By-election


Down by 20,000 in two years.
You honestly think you speak for the entire electorate? Well I guess we don't need pollsters anymore.

Aside from anything else, the police have 10,000 on stand by.

Don't inflame Brexit tensions, police warn

10,000 riot police ready to tackle Brexit disorder over potential protests, and food and medicine shortages

That's a lot of police "involvement" for something "nobody cares about."
You used to say people were "in favour of the EU as they voted for EU supporting governments."

Now there's no connection between how people vote and the EU?

I didn't see a landslide for the LibDems.

Also it's now "leave centric-Newport?"

I thought we had to have a losers vote as everyone had changed their mind.

Now an admission that the people who wanted to leave actually still do? Otherwise how can you describe it as "leave-centric?"

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:38

No, not really. One of the examples was from 2016.Furthermore, several of the examples were a lot newer than the post you referenced earlier in the Brexit forum!

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:38

Which I referred to.

Current "disenfranchisement" with voting would presumably be from around May's deal onwards.

Which was specifically about you and whether you'd changed your mind!

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:38

So in a Labour stronghold, after 9 years in opposition, the Labour vote falls more than the worst Government in living memory (possibly ever). Representing a 2.4% swing from Labour to the Tories…

The Jezza bandwagon rolls on..

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:22:38

I'm waiting to see whether Peterborough gets a by election. It was a marginal. Will Corbyn and Co still be gobbing off for a GE if it's not a Labour vote?
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