Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:34

Considering the situation with Russia, there is in my opinion every reason to be involved. In fact if David Cameron was given what he asked for all those years ago perhaps it didn't have to come to this with many more dying in the mean time...

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:35

Utter BS, just the sort of rubbish that comes out of a dictatorship.Typical of a regime that prepared to lie though it's teeth and doesn't give a jott for its people.

Anti missiles defences simply aren't that effective, even the most technically advanced ones that the unlimited US resources and budget can provide.

If they really were that good they would be encouraging the US to waste more not be worried about the the US tax payer.



rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:35

The only thing worse than doing something is doing nothing. Doing nothing is the easy option.

Pacifism and appeasement are responsible for the deaths of millions.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:36

Syria is claiming "more than a dozen" so how many is it?

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:37

If they took out one I’d be impressed.

Higher probability that cruise missile will malfunction or hit an obstacle that wasn’t mapped than being shot down.

And if there are any being shot down that will be down to Russian equipment with Russian operators.

In Iraq, at the time, the US claimed 41 out of 42 Scuds shot down.Later the figures were revised to 70% of those shot at Saudi and 40% of those shot at Israel.

Later Israel said it wasn’t 40%, more like 2%.A US accounting investigation followed and revised the 40% down to 9%.

Figures weren’t released about further studies on the attacks against Saudi but it is widely expected that 70% figure is much lower.

And that was against Scuds, easier to target and shoot down than cruise missile.

And that was with Patriot, the most advanced and expensive missile defence systems at the time -excepting that it was largely untried at the time.

The Russians do have S-400 missile defence batteries in Syria, which have unproven claims of 70% chance of intercepting a Tomahak.Which maybe true against a single Tomahawk but the numbers the US used would have swamped the capability of the batteries.



krish Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:38

You quoted this bunch Marv...
Syria News - #Syria , #Damascus , One of the waves, 30... | FacebookWho are they?
Syria News - About | FacebookSounds Russian to me.

See Trump's second favourite news source, Alex Jones, apparently 'lose it' (he's a performer, Infowars is a front to sell his bullsh*t supplements to idiots) ...

[CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE from ~5 mins when he goes off on a F-bomb blast]
                               - he's blaming Mueller, Comey and liberals //

He's almost got it right. I've no doubt Trump's doing this to distract from Mueller. Clinton did the same in Afghanistan over Lewinsky.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:39

I find it difficult to watch the news now, because I think this whole affair is madness. If we had wanted to do something about Assad we should have done it years ago at the start of the uprising against his government.
Miliband blocked any action against the first gas attacks that made big news, and even then it would have been too late.
So what is the plan?
Take out some of his bases where the chemical weapons were deployed, stir things up with the Russians and then let the war carry on, but with conventional bombs? Or remove Assad like we did with Qaddafi. Remove the government and let the country become a wasteland of disparate groups fighting each other?
Or is it about a stand off with Russia?

By the way.... Many of the people who are living under Assad, and they are good people, think he is the only solution to carrying on in life. He may not be liked, but if you have a family, you need electricity, hospitals, water and gas, and war is not on your list of wants.

I have friends, in Saudi, and they are from both sides of the fence. Neither group likes Assad but both realise, for now, the country needs a government.

There is just no good outcome... if there is please post and let me know

rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:40

It's only this. They're getting too confident and need slapping down.

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:41

I think we should send Corbyn out with a pot of tea.

After all, Blair did such a fantastic job in his eight years as Middle East envoy. 



apolloa Publish time 26-11-2019 01:41:42

Good action taken, shame they didn’t wait for the independent chemical weapons review, but either way they have been used multiple times over the years in Syria so it was justified anyway.

I see the rest of our pathetic parties complaining about it, typical cowards, then again Corbyn is a communist. By law the PM did not need to seek parliamentary approval despite the demands for endless discussions over it by the opposition. I also saw some sad liberalist idiots moaning about these attack’s in the news, no doubt they believe a protest or two with a leaflet campaign is strong enough response to women and children being killed.

If they use chemical weapons again then they will have even more strikes against them Russia or not, that was a clear message sent.

Considering Russia is highly suspected of using chemical weapons in the U.K. this year, it was inevitable the U.K. would of joined in to send a message to them about their use!
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