justincase Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:34

We know where we want to go in the world but it looks like the bus drivers just plan on doing a lap of the M25 and dropping us off where we started..

If the UK has no leverage why does the EU so desperately want it to stay?

blackrod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:35

Firstly, money. Now they are laughing their cocks off at the fact we are agreeing to stay in the customs union but have no say in the EU. Worst of all worlds but NI scuppered any ideas of anything else really.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:35

It'll only be Hurrah if the Bond Markets say so. Go see what Moody's have to say about a No Deal Brexit. Easy enough to find.

justincase Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:35

Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.

There is no debt or legal commitment.

Kotatsu Neko Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:36

Is the customs union agreed then?
Can't wait to see May announce that 
I'm sorry but i think NI has been used as an excuse

blackrod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:36

Staying in the Customs Union, and by extension the Single Market (both are required for a seamless Irish border) makes any potential upside of Brexit completely impossible. It's literally all downside.

I can't imagine how May could sell it to anyone, as it pleases nobody. If you want Brexit then you want freedom from EU rules. If you want to remain then you want a seat at the table. We'll get neither of those.

The pull towards a second referendum, even if that means an A-B choice between hard Brexit and no Brexit seems irresistible now, although we all know May will resist it no matter what. She just want to say Brexit is done and move on, but she's severely deluded if she thinks this blancmange will silence people. It will be a wound which will fester and fester.

justincase Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:36

Rumours are it has been agreed, lets see.
NI is anything but an excuse, it is real and should have been openly discussed/understood well before the referendum.

apolloa Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:36

Then why wasn't it ?
What would happen in the event of no deal with regards to NI

blackrod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:37

So I see May has totally given in to what Barnia wants, for the entire U.K. to remain in the Customs Union as an Irish backstop with NO time limit on it:


He also wants Northern Ireland to remain in the Single Market after Brexit too, so no doubt May will be telling the DUP exactly that next week..

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:44:37

First link when using google...

That doesn't even cover the fact that the EU want NI to stay in the single market indefinitely.
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