Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:08

Quick note to TB:
"You are ignoring content by this member".

You are talking to yourself. Again.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:09


Daily Mail Brexit coverage praised as it is named Press Awards Newspaper of the Year for 2016 – Press Gazette


Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:10

Note to everyone else: neilios seems to think my posts are 'for him' or 'at him' rather than a rebuttle to and about his opinions relative to the general topic of conversation and main issues.

It's not about convincing the individual that they are wrong, as in the case of strongly held political and ideological beliefs, that is a complete waste of time, it's about providing a compelling counter argument for the 'audience'* to compare, contrast and make up their own minds about.

In simple terms, he's mistaking my comments and arguments as though we were two people at a bar arguing in private rather than taking turns addressing the audience at a debate.
A bit like a panelist on Question Time telling another that they are wasting their time replying to the debate because "I'm not listening to you!".//

* all readers and contributers to the thread.... even if that includes those with equally rigid political and ideological beliefs, left or right.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:11

So that would mean you have to agree the Daily Mail in 2016 was also a superior product in terms of journalism than:

The Times, Independent, The Financial Times, The Telegraph and the Guardian

... if you take your 'argument' and 'evidence' seriously.


Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:12

Except it's not my judgement. Please correct me if Im wrong, but I assume that the Press Awards Newspaper of The Year is voted on by journalists?

So yes, it was judged superior to the Times, Independant, FT, and the Guardian (the latter hardly being a shock to anyone, unless you value gutter level liberal cobblers).

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:13

And we are all looking forward to it TB 

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:14

As judged by people within the industry, yes.

Here are the judges.

Press Awards

Good cross section of the industry there.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:15

You presume wrong.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:16

Not every year ...
2007 Financial Times2008 The Times2009 The Daily Telegraph2010 The Guardian2011 The Daily Mail2012 The Times2013 The Guardian2014 The Times2015 The Mail on Sunday 2016 The Daily Mail Press Awards

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:16

What you fail to point out is that the list of people at the bottom is not the list that makes up the panel of the News Paper of the Year.
It is the list of all the people in specific panels combined.
In simple terms - that's a list of all judges for all catergories - not individual catergories such as the News Paper of the year.
It clearly states:

The winners of the Newspaper of the Year title and team awards are chosen by a special panel judging achievements during the year across all platforms.

The Cudlipp Award, organised by the British Journalism Review recognising excellence in popular journalism and the Journalists’ Charity’s special award are judged by separate specialist panels.

The Georgina Henry Women in Journalism Prize for Innovation is being both judged and organised by Women in Journalism.

The Society of Editors ..... (clues in the name) are not specifically journalists.
It's primarily made up of senior editors and policy makers - a total of 400 members in total.
Those include heads of training organisations etc.

Ergo, it is not representative of 'journalists'.

But that is a very specific point and somewhat tangential to the actual discussion.

Do you or others actually believe the Daily Mail is equal or superior in terms of journalistic quality not just to the Guardian but also to the Times, The Independent, the FT etc ?
If you do, then fine.
However, if that doesn't seem plausible or sensible, then the argument that the Daily Mail winning News Paper of the Year makes it superior(or equal) to the Guardian in terms of quality of journalism .... or anything else for that matter is riddiculous.
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