Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:53

Are we close to war in the Middle East?

It may have escaped many peoples notice in the UK as we are preoccupied by stories of who put their hand on someone's knee 15 years ago!

But things are getting a bit hot in the middle east. There have been some serious political manoeuvrings in Saudi Arabia, with many of the top Royal family members being put under house arrest and their accounts frozen, over corruption claims.

The country was hit by a missile, very close to Riyadh airport. It came from Yemen and the Saudi's have accused the Iranians for the attack calling it an 'Act of War'

Meanwhile, Lebanon's leader resigned in Riyadh, leaving the country in a mess with Hezbollah effectively in charge.
Did I mention Qatar? Well, there is a blockade against them and they are being supported by Turkey and now have closer links with Iran.

The Oil price has shot up! Not a good sign...

The US, and UK have sided with the Saudis. (Those who make out that the UK is not a world power are mistaken). In fact it appears they have given the Saudis the green light to take action.
Israel, of course will support this.

If they attack Hezbollah, in Lebanon (supported by Iran) then we are much closer to war in this region. And this will affect us all.........

World War 3 FEARS: Saudi Arabia FURY at Iran 'act of war' missile strike
Purge of royals in Saudi is no sandstorm in a teacup - Times of India

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:54

I think we are always close to a war in the middle east, it's unusual if there is not one going on somewhere. No doubt it will give the lefties something else to whine about if Saudi use British armaments to kill people.

I mean, how unreasonable can you get? Fancy buying military equipment, and then using it to kill people, whatever next.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:55

No doubt tempers and tensions are on the increase in the Middle East and the diplomatic language is becoming more threatening.

War clouds are gathering and the Middle East is at the crossroads etc.

Situation normal then.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:55

UK approved £283m of arms sales to Saudis after airstrike on Yemen funeral

Outrageous. Fancy spending millions of quid on one of these, and then actually using it for what it's designed to do. They should be forced to keep them grounded, and just polish them to make them look nice and shiny.


Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:55

Can they please wait another few months. I’ve got a few business trips scheduled 

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:55

North Korea until mid October, Middle East until Christmas has passed, then Russia re-establishing it's empire borders, , finally China and it's concrete islands, rinse and repeat, hopefully Murdoch is true to his word and scraps Sky news, one less hyperbolic entertainment scare me channel.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:55

Since the time of the Crusades another all out east meets West war has been aninevitable conflict as we are even more different today on cultural, religious , political , democratic levels than ever before as the extrimist element takes a firmer grip in the middle East

Either pull out completey military and economically on every leveland let em slaughter themselves on masse . Then move in and reap rewards

Or nip it in the bud and and slaughter them all From above with nukes for population and EMP for the the benifits of the region

 go for an option .

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:56

I'm sure you prefer the impartial Channel 4 "F The Tories" News.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:56

And if they can postpone until next Wednesday, as I will be flying out of here!

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:40:56

Kuwait and Saudi nationals have been asked to leave Lebanon.
Expected that the UAE and others will follow.
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