faiz0 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:51

Course it's not, but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Actually it's funnier than any of his more recent output.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:52

Does it look like this?

Not work safe.

faiz0 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:53

Watched the video again. It's actually better than I first thought - he gets out an ISIS car window sticker (not a mini flag).

The anchor's reaction to what he's hearing is priceless. Straight out of The Day Today.

nabby Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:54

Surely that depends on where you work 

apolloa Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:55

I suspect he felt his rightful arrest breached his human rights..

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:56

Ok so that is the second time I've asked and the second time you don't seem to want to engage on an adult conversation. It is your choice but I thought I asked a perfectly reasonable question.


IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:57

"All mosques have an imam to lead the (congregational) prayers, even though it may sometimes just be a member from the gathered congregation rather than an officially appointed salaried person."

So I gather it's a rather blanket term, rather more informal than an appointed Vicar.In other words while Mosques and communities may have a generally accepted Imam, there probably isn't anything stopping anyone claiming to be one.Obviously I'd like to be told whether that's correct by someone in the know.

doug56hl Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:58

It's noted in the linked article:
Tawhidi is not recognised as an Imam or Sheikh by either the Australian National Imams Council or its South Australian equivalent, nor is he affiliated with any Australian mosque or prayer centre.
Therefore the offical body in Australia is the Australian National Imams Council or its South Australian equivalent. A fake iman is thus someone claiming to be an iman but not recognised as such by these offical bodies. Same as if someone claimed to be a COE vicar but was not accredited.
The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) is the only central, Islamic body that holds key representation from Australian-based Muslim clerics
About Us | ANIC

However, they are not a squeaky clean organisation.
The ANIC has called for the offence of "advocating terrorism" to be removed from the "Foreign Fighters Bill", currently before the Australian Parliament, saying a cleric could fall foul of the law if he simply "advocated the duty of a Muslim to defend his land" or referred to stories in the Quran, Bible and Torah in his sermons.

In February 2015 the Grand Mufti said the Australian Government should not ban Hizb ut-Tahrir, saying the group is "actually pro-freedom of speech". The Prime Minister responded by saying the comments were "unhelpful".

In 2016, Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, who has criticised homosexuals, supported the mujahideen, been cited as supporting the stoning of adulterers,was elected president of ANIC. Australia's Grand Mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed has defended Alsuleiman, saying Islam has a, "longstanding" position on homosexuality" which "no person can ever change". He said that any attempt to call out its teachings could lead to radicalisation
Australian National Imams Council - Wikipedia

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 03:23:59

Sounds a bit like Mo Ansar ... the fake cleric/'scholar' (always a good bullsh*t title) who was on various topical talk shows here for years until he was exposed as a fraud. I believe only RT continue to book him as a rent-a-gobsh*te.

Here he is, head to head with another talentless whore ...

faiz0 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:00

Look, I'm sorry but there's nothing to discuss given who posted the clip in the first place and then the stupidity/hilarity of what was being said. Even to the 'untrained eye' it's clear to see the guy is a fraud.
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