Chrisharry12345 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:15:15

Oil Boiler reccommendations?

After much debating and diliberating we have decided on getting oil central heating to replace our storage heaters but I havent got a clue what boiler to get. I have had a look on which and I think a combi boiler will suit? But I have no idea what power I will need....
Two of us live in a 3 bedroom semi... We hardly use any hot water.. just for washing up in the evening really as we have an electric shower. A couple of kids hopefully in a few years so best plan ahead 
Any suggestions?

saintie1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:15:16

The best thing you can do is first seek out a decent plumbers merchant (William Wilson's or similar).They will have heating engineers who will correctly size the best boiler for your needs.Give them as much information about your house, size, type of construction, how much insulation you have etc.They will do all the number crunching to determine how much energy you will need to heat the house, where the radiators should be positioned and what boiler you will need and the cost for the system.They will do all of this for free.

You will then be in a position to go out and see what the competitors quote for the same system and then make your own informed choice.

One thing that I would recommend is that the heating is run off thermostats to control the heating.I have a 1 1/2 storey house with 2 zones, one for the main living areas (down stairs) and the other for the bedrooms (upstairs).They are both on separate runs and controlled to different temperatures.This maintains my house at the correct temperature as well as saving money due to the systems ability to "self regulate".
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