Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 04:18:39

Cheap eletricity rates

What time is electricity on cheaper rates? Also how does your meter know whenbetween time and day? It's a old meter with no clock.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:18:40

Then it's the same rate all day.If you want to get cheaper rates. at night for example, you need to get a different tariff and new meters.

You need to be careful because these tariffs tend to charge more for daytime use than a standard tariff, so if you use a lot of daytime electricity then you may not save as much as you hope.There are cutoffs when one becomes more economical than the other so it might be worth keeping a diary of usage:

see here:

What is Economy 7 : Meters : FAQs : E.ON

It will be different if you are with a different supplier but this should help get you started 
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