p9ul Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:44

Interested in making this - but likes like it'll be for next year!

What kind of jar to use? one of those spaghetti jars with an airtight lid?

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:44

Based on my experience with the flavoured Vodks's I made I have to disagree with this.

I made some with a bottle of cheap Sainsburys that reviewed well, but it was dog rough compared to Smirnoff in the same batch.

The difference between Gordons and Tesco value is only £3 on a litre bottle anyway.

I use these but it needs a bit of cling film to make it air tight. 1.5 lire jar cost £3 at Sainsburys. The guy who gave me the Sloes makes his in a demijohn.

p9ul Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

I found a similar jar in Wilko's for £3 and it's got a chunky rubber ring so I hope that's pretty airtight - the lid is pretty stiff to get on and off so it should be.

Having trouble sourcing Damson's / Sloe's though!

On a similar note - anyone got any guidelines for flavoured Vodka? I'm thinking of Cinnamon for some reason but no idea how much to put in.

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

I have made raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, summer fruits and nectarine Vodkas.

My favourite being summer fruits, just a frozen bag from the supermarket.

All were successful apart from the nectarine. Tasted like wood stain but I threw other fruit in which brought it round. In all honesty the nectarines were a mistake, I thought I bought peaches at the time. 
Blueberry was bland.

The recipes are pretty much the same. I under sweeten so I have the option to add more later if necessary. I initially made small quantities to test the result and them scaled up. You may want to try that with the cinnamon.

I have just set aside my first litre of sloe today.

county angler Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

We have made various scavenged fruit spirit's for the last 10 years. I've still got a bottle of 2002 sloe gin and blackberry vodka in the cupboard and stacks of bottles from then onwards.

The best tip i could give you is to make 5-10L every year and you will soon have a stock pile.

It also makes great cheap gifts for family. We give a half bottle every year to my aunties with a nice handwritten label.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

Sometimes we find that the end of the bottle can have a slight jelly like texture.Never had a problem after drinking it, but if not to yourtaste, then either add it to the fruit filling of crumbles or if you are having a gamey meat, add it to the gravy for an extra bit of yum.

Garrett Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

You can also make Blackberry and White Rum which is quite good.

BISHI Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:45

Freeze the sloes to break the skin, that way you won't need to prick every single berry.Double the amounts of ingredients and make twice as much........if you get it right it won't last long !!!
Add a nut liqueur ( hazelnut or almond ) alongside the sugar to give it a lovely nutty complementary taste.
Don't buy expensive Gin, once its infused you won't be able to tell Tescos own from Hendricks. Get a 2 litre bottle and you already have a container to make your GIN. Keep that bottle for next year. Shake the bottle vigorously at least every other day.
Taste it 2 weeks before Xmas, if it is too harsh add more sugar or nut liqueur.

Enjoy...............I do every year............... be aware getting drunk on sloe gin is very very easy, the hangover is not pleasant !!

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:46

I have about ½" to 1" of sediment in the vodkas I made. I thought about running it through a coffee filter, what do you think?

I tend to just invert the bottle before pouring and live with it but clarity would be nice.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:46

No reason not to 
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