Mr.D Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:42

JD isn't Bourbon even Gentleman Jack.

I'm an Islay single malt man and all american whiskey tastes like maple syrup to me.

SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:42

JD is a sour mash and gentleman jack is made by JD just charcoal mellowed. And it does taste nice just different to proper whiskey. Luckily I like JD and being a coeliac means I can still drink;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Mattle40 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:43

Yes you are correct sir, but the "people" I'm referring to in my comment are likely people like yourself

If we're splitting hairs then no it isn't a bourbon, in their own words it's the charcoal filtering that makes it jack Daniels and not a bourbon, but aside from this and a 5% higher corn content it is

My bad tho eh

Mr.D Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:43

Probably the best blend.

Mr.D Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:43

I would hesitate to say I'm splitting hairs here. Its not a bourbon whether you like it or not.

If I referred to Johnny Walker as a single malt I'd also be making an incorrect statement.

Mattle40 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:43

"Weather I like it or not" is an odd statement, I'm absolutely fine with the fact, and conceded you are correct.

However I was speaking in general terms as a quick recomendation, where the specifics weren't required by the op as he isn't a whiskey drinker anyway

But you felt the need to be uppity and correct me, kind of proving my point before I made it

Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:43

Cardhu is a good malt but be carefull as there is also a blended version.

mavericksane Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:44

Aldi reportedly has a 30 yr old single malt available from Dec 8 at under £50 a bottle (which, for the age, is a steal).I picked up the 24 yr old yesterday for £35- yet to try it, mind.

Mr.D Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:44

Fact ; its not a bourbon. I would disagree that a thread that is about the topic of whisky/whiskey would in any circumstance not attach value to the "specifics" of the subject.

"Whether you like it or not" is referring to the point that you like the whiskey but your like of it does not change the fact it is not a bourbon. Not "I'm correcting you whether you like me correcting you or not"

I don't like JD nor do I like bourbon but I still know that JD is not a bourbon.

And its "Whether" not "Weather".

And referring to me as "Uppity" is a personal insult and against the rules of the forum as well as being not required given your massive over reaction.

Iccz Publish time 26-11-2019 04:50:44

I really don't see the need for this debate, but I figure there should be some correction made here.
"JD is not a bourbon" - well that depends how you want to look at it... they stopped marketing it as a bourbon and simply opted to call it an American Whiskey instead, it still ticks all the boxes of a bourbon and they are legally allowed to market it as such.

51%corn? Check.
Distilled spirit less than 80%? Check.
Aged in charred oak barrels? Check.
Aged below 62.5%? Check.
Bottled must be more than 40%? Check.

So really, you could argue that it's a bourbon... it ticks all the boxes that make it a bourbon, it's just not marketed by JD themselves as a bourbon.
So is it a bourbon? Yes.
Do they call it a bourbon? No.
Which is right? Well that depends who you ask, personally I would say it's a bourbon...

Of course there are plenty of people who will argue that there is no such thing as a Tennessee bourbon, but it's a Tennessee Whiskey.
It's all semantics though really. If you like bourbon you'll like Tennessee Whiskey, because they are made the same way, with the same things and ultimately don't taste too different. Of course there is the issue of quality etc, as with any alcohol.

Because of that, I think it's a pointless argument to have because both answers are easily justifiable as right... when really there is no definite right answer.

When is a bourbon not a bourbon? When it's a Tennessee Whiskey.

Can we get back on topic now, please?
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