sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:47

Dairy and gluten free cake

so it’s my little boys 2nd birthday soon and I am wanting to bake him a cake - but he has allergies to dairy. So milk, cheese, eggs are out of the equation. So to are nuts.

On top of this it also needs to be gluten free so his cousin can enjoy the cake too.

Last year I made little cupcakes for them, but they were really quite boring, not much taste to them (although the children ate them).

I would rather make it as I then know exactly what has gone into it and won’t need to worry.

Does anyone have any good recipes I could follow to either make one big cake or 12 or so cupcakes? The simpler the better 

I find it is the egg and butter which is tricky to get around - he can have soya if his helps?

Any help or recipes much appreciated.

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:48

You do know that eggs aren’t dairy right?
I’m intolerant to dairy and wheat so I’m a similar situation. There are loads of recipes online. Fruit cake works well as the fruit keeps the mixture moist. There’s an Instagram account called glutenfreealice who is allergic to dairy and gluten so a good shout to look at.

GarethP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

If you look to vegan cake recipes, they won’t have dairy or eggs. Then just substitute gluten free self raising flour.That’s what I’d do, and I have a vegan in-law family and a cousin that’s coeliac

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

It’s not usually that straight forward as gluten free flour doesn’t have the same consistency as regular flour so you often, from my experience, have to change the quantity. If using eggs, they often have more egg than if using regular flour for example.

GarethP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

Agree with the consistency etc. My go to cake recipe has plain flour, bicarbonate and baking powder in it and for gluten free I just substitute this for those ingredients
Gluten Free Self Raising White Flour 1kg | Flour | Products | Freee

Never had an issue...

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

Made some of these tonight:

Maple & Banana Cupcakes - BOSH!

Not the icing, just the cupcakes. Came out well and look/smell good. They have a slight gritty texture/taste to them, not quite as light and fluffy as a “normal” cupcake. Could this be the gluten free flour I have used?

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

I've yet to find a cake (homemade or bought) that is anywhere near as light and fluffy as a regular cake. So likelihood is that regardless of GF flour, this is what you get. That is also why I mentioned about changing the amounts of flour and other ingredients used as well. Having to eat GF is pretty naff. I'm also dairy free too, which makes it exponentially more naff.

GarethP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:49

In my experience, definitely. Not that I have ever found anything to improve this

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:50

It almost tastes as if the sugar/one of the other dry ingredients hasn’t been mixed in properly (it has) - that’s the sort of texture.

So guessing it’s down to the flour and will just accept it 
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