dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:44

Making lunch for work

For first time in 26 years I find myself working “normal” hours, Monday to Friday
As a result I’m wanting to take something in for lunch.Nothing that needs to be warmed / eaten hot and nothing that contains bread, so no sandwiches.

Ideally I’d also like to make something on a Sunday evening that can keep sealed in fridge and just serve some out each morning and take with me to eat at desk

So I’m looking for suggestions / recipes

Thinking maybe pasta or rice salads
If I was to make a pasta salad on the Sunday, would it keep ?
I’d not add any dressing etc until was about to eat ?

I’m guessing if was to make a tuna salad that would not keep well

Sorry for the bone question just looking for inspiration

Chillie6 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:45

Looked on line, 3 to 5 days seems to be the limit. You could then add tuna, salmon etc when required.

SteveCritten Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:46

Tuna pasta would keep a few days in the fridge, I make Bolognaise or chilli. Rice is the one you have to watch. Cook it and cool it under the cold water tap straight away before refrigerating.
I don’t mind eating things like that cold as I did it for years.

Doug the D Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:46

What I recommend doing is getting 2 slices of bread, buttering them, and placing a filling of your choice between the 2 slices of bread. Sometimes I use some cheese, sometimes ham & mustard. I also recommend cutting the bread/filling into more easily manageable sizes for picking up - you can cut corner-to-corner, making triangles, or across the middle of the square to make 2 rectangles, your choice really. NEVER put raw sliced tomatoes or cucumber between the slices of bread, this will make them soggy by lunchtime and ruin your life/ day/ lunch hour*

I'm thinking about filing a patent for my new way of eating lunchtime food, but ever since eating one of these on the beach as a child, I've been mentally scarred by memories of sand wich once inside my bread, ruined the whole experience. Although maybe that will inspire the name I come up with eventually? Who knows.

*delete as applicable

Chillie6 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

You could call it the putter

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

If only I had not said, no bread, then that would of been ideal

Bread just bloats me up, no matter the type

DroidSkin Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

Try a wrap if bread bloats you

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

Wraps are a little better and can manage maybe once or twice a week

Chillie6 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

Eminem is good for that

BT Bob Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:47

I'd have thought, if you made a big pot of something on a Sunday evening and dipped in each day, by about Wednesday, you'd be bored. Plus, I reckon, whatever you make will deteriorate a bit as the days wear on.
I think you may have to bite the bullet and make something every night - or at least every other.
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