elsmandino Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:54

Food processor advice


My family and I are making a huge effort to drop processed foods and I am hoping that a food processor is going to help.

I would be really grateful for some advice on what to buy.

No more than £100.00 would be nice, but I don't mind going a bit above that if absolutely necessary.

I already have a good blender, so I don't necessarily need a processor with the additional blender jug (but I am not bothered if I end up with a processor that happens to have one).

OIn addition to making my own pasta sauces, coleslaw etc, I am also going to have a go at making my own mince as well - not sure if that is going to relevant or not but thought I should just mention it.

An ability to make chips/wedges would also be a major plus point.

Any advice/recommendations would be much appreciated.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:55

@elsmandino I know it's an old thread but what did you go for in the end?

Anyone else recommend the processor they have? I've similar requirements to the OP, and will definitely need it to mince diced pork shoulder.
So many choices on Amazon 

mr starface Publish time 26-11-2019 05:02:56

Bumping this as we are after a new all singing/dancing food processor/blender for the kitchen. Ideally one that does all the normal chopping/blending/breadcrumbs etc plus ability to make smoothies/juices and crushed ice for cocktails etc. Have looked at Amazon and this one gets good reviews and seems to do it all but there are so many out there any advice would be appreciated!

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ninja-1500W-Processor-Nutri-Auto-iQ/dp/B01M74JVHE/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=food processor&qid=1556662317&s=kitchen&sr=1-2
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