indianwells Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:50

Your preferred food by country?

I really like Spanish and Italian food, also good Chines and Indian, but perhaps controversially I think my favourite has to be really well cooked traditional British, especially long slow cooked dishes like stews, casseroles, cottage/shepherds pie etc. not forgetting fish & chips of course! Not so keen on Eastern European grub to be honest. I'm married to a Lithuanian and the stuff she loves is just not my cup of tea. In that part of the world they tend to use a lot of smoked meats and fish, sour cream, pickled everything and I just don't like the stuff I've tried. In Mallorca at the moment and the supermarkets are superb, especially the fresh fish counters. A couple of days ago we had this and total cost for the lot was about 6 quid. Doing it yourself really brings the cost down and the ingredients were really top notch. Simple to knock up too.

So, what is your favourite cuisine?

Foster Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:52

Japanese when done well I would say is my favourite, Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Tonkatsu, Ramen.

aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:52

If I had to select only one then that would be Japanese and has been so for many years.
French would be second (seafood)
and and and and 

Foster Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:53

I'm drooling thinking of the Ramen I had in Kyoto..

Leo31291 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:54

Mediterranean food. Portugal I guess. Pastas, bread, fresh seafood, chorizo, steaks  pastries are awesome so get the nod over Italy and Spain.

spudtator Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:54

Thai by a mile. Would gladly eat it for the rest of my life.

nabby Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:54

Good question! I'd rank my top three as:
1) Italian - covers pasta, pizza, grilled and roast meats and fish, excellent veggie food, awesome desserts, the lot!
2) Indian - the food of my family and my ancestry, great variety and depth of flavour and taste, from idli and dosa in the south to tandoor-cooked food from Punjab
3) British - I love a good Sunday roast, shepherd's pie, cottage pie, bubble and squeak, bangers and mash, sticky toffee pudding (tbh any steamed pudding with custard), fish and chips, pie and chips, proper Cornish pasties, Welsh lamb, Scottish beef and salmon, I could go on and on 
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