Thug Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:52

Fail safe Yorkshire Puds (how to make them).

We all have our own recipes, but here is mine...

How to make perfect Yorkshire puds every time. A VERY easy failsafe recipe that WILL work each and every time.

1. Using muffin tins (large or small). Put a small amount of duck/goose fat in each and put them into an oven set at its highest temp (mine goes to about 300 deg).
Put them on the middle or lowest shelf (or both if doing 2 lots).

2. Get 3 equal/identical sized cups. In the first cup put in 2 or 3 eggs. See where they come up to in the cup (how much they fill it). In the second cup put plain (must be plain) flour in to the same height as the eggs. In the third cup put in milk (I use semi) again to exactly the same height.
In other words make them all the same quantity. It's the eggs that determine the amount of flour and milk. If the eggs come to 2 inches up the cup then the milk and flour comes to 2 inches deep too.


3. Put all 3 into a jug (put the eggs or milk in first or the flour will need scraping from the corners). Whisk until creamy smooth and all mixed in. Or what I prefer is to put all the ingredients into a sport protein bottle (with the mixing spring ball in) and shake it like mad for a couple of mins.

4. When the oven is at temp (about 10 mins) turn it down to about 250 deg. Then open the door and pour the mix in about 1/2 -2/3 full into each well. Do this quickly and close the door as soon as you can.


5. Watch them cook and rise, and they should be done in about 15 mins. DO NOT open the door until they are brown.



I promise these will be perfect.
Sometimes it's better to make the mixture the night before and keep it in the fridge.
You could use frylight instead of fat but they stick a little and look more like buns than yorks (like the ones on the bottom shelf in my photo), but still taste amazing.

BlueOrange25 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:53


I saw Jamie Oliver use this method a number of years ago and it's never failed me.I usually prep the batter the night before and let it sit in the fridge - just gives me less to think about and do on the day of cooking and eating.

Inferno Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:54

That is something similar to how I do it but I use 2 squirts of one cal olive oil in each muffin compartment.

Your oven is cleaner than mine .

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:54

I use a wife, perfect every time . I on the other hand made a right pigs ear last week from an online recipe, I'll try yours next time.

BT Bob Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:54

I've only tried once and epically failed, so now I bottle it and use Aunt Bessie's frozen ones, which are great but it bugs me as it's one of the very few processed foods I buy these days.
Next time I'll give your method a go.

(Edit: your oven's cleaner than mine, too..  )

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:54

Mine is fairly similar but with a pinch of salt and pepper too.

Do you find that sometimes they come out of the muffin tins upside down? I.e. curve upwards?

Another trick I read was 5 mins or so near the end open the oven to let any steam out, they won't sink by this time but it helps to crisp them a bit better.

Thug Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:54

Yeah sometimes put S&P in there, some also say about putting a little baking soda in there too, but never seen the point really.
I have had a few turn out various strange shapes, but that's the beauty of them.

Thug Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:55

That's because the kitchen was only done 8 months ago.
I do like having 2 ovens though.


MrSossidge Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:55

I use James Martins recipe usually found on the BBC good food website. Once the mix is made it needs a minimum of 30 minutes in the fridge. Use a metal tin to cook them in.

MrSossidge Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:55

I'm thinking of going 2 ovens like that. My Sis in law has done the same. It's so much better to have them at that height aswell. We have a gas hob electric oven range thing that came with the house and I hate it. I hate gas hobs. Much prefer induction that we used to have.
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