nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 05:19:15

Christmas Cake Icing

Assuming you like Christmas Cake what is your preferred icing.

Royal Icing or Soft/Fondant/Regal Icing?

Top and sides or top only?

The reason I ask is that I'm having a cake made by a friend's daughter who has a small baking business.She says that 99% go for soft icing which I understand is the stuff you roll out and drape over - like you get on supermarket celebration cakes.

Now I'm not a fan of icing anyway but not at all keen on the rolled out soft icing - I usually peel it off my slice of cake and throw it away.

I know you could say that I have answered my own question and should just go for just the top with royal icing, but I feel a little self-concious that apparently I am one of the weird 1% that would prefer that over soft icing.



AMc Publish time 26-11-2019 05:19:16

My 2p - we always have Royal Icing.It sets super hard which I like but I'm sure others don't.
One of the things about hard icing is that a rich fruit Christmas cake will last for ages.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:19:17

I'm with you on that one Nigel 

Edit: Royal Icing, top and sides

busterbenny2001 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:19:18

I own a bakery and most go for fondant, I much prefer royal but my fav is chocolate log fruit cake, rolled in marzipan then dunked in chocolate sell loads of those 
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