Throwawayz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:11

Testicular Implants - Are There Any Weight Issues?


I've gone through a lot of the published research on prosthetic testicles and had a talk with a medical specialist about having an implant (to substitute the one I lost). He told me that all of his patients have complained about weight issues, and that if you want an implant to match your remaining one in size, it'll be relatively heavy. He told me it was like constantly having a bunch of coins in your pocket, and that I'll always be nagged by the sensation of something not belonging to my body just hanging around on my person.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I've read nothing of the sort in the medical literature, and he's only performed the operation on three patients. But I want to make sure before I make my decision. Any advice?

swiftpete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:12

Sounds like he needs to be installing lighter clockweights. Last thing you want is for it to be bashing into your existing swinger like a conker. Maybe a ping pong ball would be a better bet? 

Garrett Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:13

I take it this is going to be an artificial one. Personal speaking I would not bother its not like its on show all the time unless your a male stripper or a male escort.
Are worried if you go with a girl and you break up she going to tell the world about it?
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