paulst10 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:12

Multi Gym height question and recommendations?

Hi, I've been considering turning an extension room at the back into some form of Gym, the issue I have is the height of the ceiling which is about 2.07m, it seems that most multi gyms I look at are around 2m tall but they recommend at least 40cm clearance between the top and the ceiling. So, do you think the clearance is actually necessary? Maybe for installation?

I don't really want to risk it just in case so ideally I'm either looking for something smaller or some form of recommendation around the £300 mark. I'd rather have a multi gym over a weight bench but if the clearance is going to be an issue I think a weight bench may be more suitable (and easier to put it together) 

shaolin kid Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:13

Free weights and a bench every time mate

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:14

I wouldn't even be comfortable standing in a room with a ceiling that low.

Agree with the above. Or join a gym.

paulst10 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:15

Thanks lads, I'm glad you said that in a way as I really wasn't looking forward to the seemingly over complicated setup of a multi gym.
Any recommendations for a decent bench, I have weights already but could probably add another 20kg at some point..

paulst10 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:16

Thinking of buying this unless tomorrow anyone has any objections or can recommend anything better? Weigth Multi Bench Universal Weight Multi-Bench and Gym Workstation| eBay

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:17

I'm no expert, but that seems very gimmicky with so many things packed into a small space. I can't see the weight of the thing stated, so I'd imagine it isn't as heavy as it appears. I'd worry if it was up to it to be honest. As I say, not based on any experience of these things.

I have a decent set of rubber coated dumbbells (second hand ebay bargain) and there are loads of exercises I can do with them. I use one like a kettle bell too. I sometimes wish I had a simple bench, but can do chest presses on the floor.

I really think it's about putting the work in and not collecting kit. You don't actually need anything at all!

Anyway, if you do go for it, please give some feedback on it. I would love to be proved wrong 

paulst10 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:18

Does it really matter how much it weighs? I'm not looking to put too much weight on it so I can't see it collapsing or anything. Also not looking to bulk up too much.

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:19

No, I guess not. Just won't inspire much confidence if it feels like a toy.

I'll be interested to see what you think anyway.

paulst10 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:20

In the description it says max load 280kg which is quite a bit and certainly more than I have in weights, although I assume that's also the weight of the person using it as well but being only 10st that shouldn't be much of an issue.

Max. Bar Support Weight: 80 kg
Max. Leg Extension Weight: 35 kg
Max. Butterfly Arm Weight: 30 kg
Max. Load: 280 kg

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:31:21

Yes I saw those. I've only ever used pro gym ones and they feel rock solid. Hope someone else may have some real-world experience and comment.
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