KhalJimbo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:31

Favourite foreign style of food?

My wife and I tend to eat out quite often, be it Indian, Italian, Japanese, French, Thai etc etc

I'm not talking about greasy spoon eating out and kebab shops.

So it got me thinking my favourite is Mexican. I just love Mexican food (except those old el passo kits, I don't like those), out of all places to go eat I would choose a Mexican restaurant. Where we live we are fortunate enough to have a really good one about a 20 minutes drive away, and close to my office is 3 mexican places to choose from for lunch, so I just had a really nice Burrito.

That all being said, does anyone know where you can get those really big 12" soft flour wraps that are used to make Burritos? I don't mean those tiny things you get with those Fajita kits.

So thats me, what about yours?

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:32

I used to love Mexican but years later I've come to the conclusion that all Mexican food tastes the same as it seems that all their dishes involve the same ingredients, flat bread either grilled or baked that either contains or is wrapped around cheese, salsa, salad, guacamole, sour cream, chicken or beef. Ok add some beans & rice and that's about it regarding Mexican or Tex-Mex food that is available in London.
And it's very heavy/stodgy.

Much prefer quality Chinese (Dim Sum mmmm) or Indonesian, Thai.
Currys are delicious when done correctly and not swimming in oil/ghee.

As for European food it has to be Italian first with French way back as I think French grub is highly overrated.

My all time favourite is good Greek cooking. Simple charcoal grilled meat or fish with lovely healthy salads, dips, Olives & bread.


Iccz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:33

This should be a poll! 

For me it's Indian followed by Mexican then Moroccan and Japanese.

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:34

Taginnes are lovely 
And I forgot about Japanese. Good quality fresh Sushi is to die for.

As for my favourite single dish it has to be Congee, with preserved egg, duck. Mmmmmmmmm!!!

Apsilon Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:35

Most Asian shops, Turkish or Halal shops will sell these as that's where I get mine. Failing that, a big supermarket will probably have them.

Favourite food chops and changes with me. One week it's Indian, then Chinese-Thai, then Italian, then Greek/Turkish/Lebanese and then sometimes I just like simple English food. I do prefer foreign food because of the rich flavourings compared to English cooking but I honestly couldn't pick one particular favourite type 

The Bass Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:36

Is Japanese food mostly fish/seafood based? I've always wanted to go to Japan but I'm not a big fan of most types of fish.

I think it's pretty hard to beat Chinese food for variety with Indian coming a close second. I also love Mexican but don't have it anywhere near as often as other foods so I don't get burnt out on it.

spudtator Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:37

Easy one for me, Thai, made with good quality fresh ingredients.

Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:37

Japanese for me. I had never had it up until my current job, I started eating it as it was the closest takeaway to the office. Also have teppanyaki at least once a week now.

This is the top of my pedestal at work!!


If only it was cheaper!

KhalJimbo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:38

Sweet, I'm going to go look for some of those, our big Tesco only has the normal small Fajita ones whihc are where near big enough.

Iccz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:39

Nope, they like fish but it's not mostly fish/seafood based.

You can get:
Yakisoba (Fried noodles)
Ramen (Noodle soup)
Sukiyaki (Basically a Japanese hotpot)
Tonkatsu (Breaded fried pork - you can get a lot of pork dishes)
Teriyaki Chicken (Boiled/grilled in soy sauce)
Okonomiyaki (A savory pancake)
Katsu Curry (Japanese Curry)

Lots of rice / noodle dishes
Plenty of pork and chicken dishes.

While out in Japan I mostly avoided fish dieshes, although did try some sashimi - both fish and horse. Neither did anything for me.
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