guest5234 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:30

Only way to make sure is if you have any of the smoked salmon left is to eat it and if you feel OK the next morning it was probably something else, if you feel really ill again it was definatly the smoked salmon.

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:32

probably wise to

PJTX100 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:33

Yeah. My wife for example is totally OTT about defrosting chicken before cooking yet how many frozen chicken meals are on sale which you pop in the microwave? 

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:34

to heat up.The chicken is already cooked and your wife just just being sensible when it comes to a raw one

Chadford Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:34

Not all foods are equal. This is noticeable of many processed foods. For example, a lot of these pre-packed meals that are packed in plastic are produced in incredibly clean conditions. The workers wear gloves, face masks, hats and white coats. This aim is for the food to have practically zero harmful bacterial content. They are also batch tested for safety. This means they can have a shelf life of around two weeks on the supermarket chiller cabinet (many without the need of any preservatives).   

A piece of meat that you buy from the butchers might have been handled several times with bare hands and have been in environment were the air is contaminated with whatever the punters going through the shop have breathed / coughed out. There's nothing wrong with this, you just have to treat the produce differently.

I think the key thing is, if it's processed food, just follow the instructions on the packet. If you're defrosting other stuff - listen to your missus!   Did I say listen to your missus?   

IL Cattivo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:35

I had a weired bout of something a couple of weeks back which I can only put down to Food Poisoning as I am VERY rarely ill other than the usual annual cold or hangover from drinking one too many.

The missus knocked up a salad on the Sunday evening, I think lunch was simply bangers & mash... (tasted darn good at the time)

Stayed up really late that night watching the American Football on SKY so went to bed around 12:30-1:00am..

Woke up for work at about 6:30am and as soon as I got out of bed felt the most awful nausia.... Didn't want to wake the missus so bee-lined to the downstairs toilet where I basically unleashed what can only be described as a Niagara of incredibly watery Bovril!  At the time I was thinking this form of substance should not be coming out of this particular orifice of my body, I have another organ for these specific liquid deposits... 

Stupidly went to work feeling absolutely awful and having the need to visit the disabled WC for regular re-occurrences of anal waterfalls at least every 15 minutes until at around midday when my stomach had enough and decided it needed to dump the remaining content, which it couldn't convert into Chocolate soup!! Lucky for me the little sink in the disabled is right smack bang next to the Toilet so the double ended exorcist experience which could have been really ugly, was just about manageable! 

Not a nice experience at all, and certainly one I definitely don't want to go through again. Stuck to drinking water with hydration powders for the next two days until I weened myself back on solids slowly! No doc visit here..

qwerty321 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:36

The main thing is that you drink plenty of water. Helps to clear up your insides and as you can see from UK_Bladerunner's colourful description, you lose a lot of water from one orafice or the other.

prawnpower Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:37

Not sure whether or not it was food poisoning, but the food I had eaten just beforehand appeared suspect.
(This happened when I was 13 years old). I had a bacon, eggs, sausages and beans etc meal in the evening. Later on, I was reading a book in bed, when suddenly, my stomach felt like it was going to explode. I dashed to the toilet, and at no point whatsoever did I throw up. What did happen to me though was I got extreme diarrhea, so nasty, it filled up half of the toilet, and my legs felt like jelly, and I felt extremely shivery and sweaty. My parents had to use the outside toilet that night though, as I spent ages in the bathroom. Needless to say, my night that night was sleepless! 
I felt perfect before eating the mentioned meal in the evening, however.
The next day, I didn't eat one bite, and only drank water, and luckily, still didn't throw up.
Once I felt well enough again however, I had a Sunday Roast meal, and ate the whole thing very quick, I just felt so empty and drained of energy, I felt much, much better after eating the Sunday Roast meal. 

Pug72 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:38

Same here, wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Doc came to me and took a sample with her. Month later get the test results diagnosing campylobacter.

Still not right years later, get regular stomach upsets now.

FZR400RRSP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:39

I think you know the answer to this already, it wasn't proper food poisoning.
We all get the 'trots' from time to time, I've only ever once had proper food poisoning,
Horrific, loads of weight lost and rehydration powders from the doc etc.etc.
What you've described is akin to having a bad cold and calling it 'flu'.
Incidently, I'm intrigued by the comment about your parents having to use the outside loo.
Like that's a normal thing, these days.
Do you live in the 1950's? 
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