johny1980 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:28

Sweets and savouries that aren`t to bad for you

I have been on a diet for the past 3 years

Being 5 8" and 16 and a half stone i was starting to feel it

Down to a healthy 12 and 9lbs

My target is 12 but and last stone is a killer

I still like my treats so i am interested in what snacks/treats people eat that are tasy and not too bad in calories

I will get us started.


Pickled onion space raiders - 67 calories
French fries - 88 calories5


Kinda bueno (1 peice) - 120 calories
Curly wurly - 115 calories

johny1980 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:29

Oops, can a mod please move to general forum

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:30

The first bit is easy, if you want rid of that last bit you'll need to change what you've been doing. The easiest way is nutrition, the most fun is training.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:31

I tend not to snack... despote the fact I'm bulking up... 

just good decent meals...

are they 'treats' if you have them all the time.. ? 

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:32

Peanut butter on rice cakes is a god send. Especially as I didn't like either of them before I started to lose weight.

johny1980 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:33

I eat very healthily, apart from my night time snack

As long as I keep them healthyish

I am swimming and golfing both 3 times a week and dumbbells at home everyday

Lost anorher 1lb this week so only 6 to go

Solar Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:33

If you are having a hard time getting rid of that last stone, then you need to curb "both" of these bad habits.

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:34

Whats wrong with eating at night and even having a snack as long as it is accounted for in your daily intake? As long as you keep a control of what you are eating then no food or 'snack' is bad for you. It is all about not having too much more than not having a particular thing.

Solar Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:35

It's all about nutrition.
Those particular snacks have no nutrition what so ever,eating them late at night means you are not burning off those empty calories like you normally would during the day.
If you are struggling to lose weight/fat, then you need to look at what you are eating.
Junk snacks provide lots more calories than it takes to actually digest them.

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:45:36

Snacks are only bad if they add more calories into your day. If you control the calories you eat but make up some of those calories with these kinds of snacks then no issues. A calorie eaten at night is no more or no less going to turn to fat than one eaten during the day. It is the total calories eaten during the day that is the issue not when they are eaten. Now a lot of snack foods may not have a lot of other nutritional value etc. and may not fill you for long but the calories it contains are the same as for any other food source. As long as the calories are factored into your daily intake then no issue.
The issue with snacks (at any time of the day and not just at night) is that they are often in addition to an already high calorie intake from your normal meals etc. and couple with low levels of activity which results in more calories in compared to energy burnt and hence you store the excess.
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