SBanga Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:59

A Good & Quick Red Thai Curry Recipe

We're having some friends over tonight and have decided to try making a red Thai curry for the first time as it's one of my favourites.

I've pretty much decided on this recipe going by reviews.The only change I'd make would be to add sliced courgettes, peppers and some green chillies.

Does anyone have any advice or a better recipe?Hopefully something that doesn't take too long and involve too many trips to Sainsbury's!

EDIT:Can someone also recommend me a good red Thai curry paste.I'm guessing the Sainsbury's own brand won't be very good?

Ian J Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:00

It looks good to me and very similar to the way that I cook it except I add some dwarf green beans to add variety as well as colour to the dish and I cheat and use lemongrass paste instead of the genuine stuff.

If you're buying at Sainsbury try using the boneless chicken thighs rather than breasts as they have much more flavour

SBanga Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:01

Thanks Ian.What paste do you normally use and do you notice much variation between brands?

Ian J Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:01

I use Por Kwan from Sainsbury but haven't really experimented with other brands

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

Sounds like good advice already. Just thinking..Someone starts a thread a couple of days ago about the global numbers of Obese people taking over from the worlds hungry and all of a sudden GC is inundated with cooking threads!

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

Agree with Ian on the Chicken Thighs and lemongrass paste. in fact I've had problems finding whole lemongrass in Sainsburys recently. The paste is much easier anyway. The other good thing about this recipe is that the chicken is poached in the curry sauce rather then browned first. IMO this make the chicken much more tender and it doesnt dry out

I have a Gordon Ramsay Green Curry recipe that is similar but you make the paste from scratch. Its lovely but harder work unless you have a bit of time. That has green beans added 5 mins form the end of cooking time as well and works well
I'm going to try making this one with the paste Ian recommended so thanks for posting 

bobflunkit Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

1 for Por Kwan, i've tried a few others but this one is the best i've tried.

spudtator Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

Juice of half a lime near the end of cooking can give it a bit of a lift.

SBanga Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

Thanks for all the advice.I'm not a fan of chicken breast in curries so will definitely be going with thigh anyway.I was looking at making the paste from scratch but really feel too lazy after work!

I'll let you know how I get on 

spudtator Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:02

Curry pastes are really easy if you've got any kind of food whizzer and can be adapted to your own taste.
Good luck for tonight 
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