kav Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:55

Protein boost - best sites for high protein foods.

Hello all. After a very overindulgent Christmas period I'm looking to bring some quality back into my diet. I've generally had my best results using a ratio of 40P:30C:30F. Carbs won't be a problem, and will probably go for some flaxseed oil or something along those lines for my fats.

I'm looking for some input on protein. In terms of supplements I am happy to stick with whey protein when I need it, but what I am looking for is recommendations on where to get chicken, eggs - anything like that, in bulk, for decent prices. It's been a while since I looked so would prefer to go off what people know is good currently. Any useful sites appreciated, cheers. 

Ben-H Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:56

Hi Mate,

I tend to use MuscleFood | Premium Lean Meats & Sports Nutrition

You can get 5kg of chicken breast for £25 which works out alot cheaper than most places i've tried\seen - Buy Chicken Breast Fillets | From £5 Per kg | Meat & Sports Nutrition at Wholesale Prices from MuscleFood

Also worth trying out the exotic burgers\meat too, as they tend to be low in fat and are a good alternative to chicken - Exotic Meats from MuscleFood

Check out their weekly deals too as they usually have some good offers on, as well as their peanut butters, egg whites..

I have a referral code that'll get you 4x chicken breasts free too - BH4980 (if you want to use it)

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:57

One of my favourite protein snacks:

Somerset Biltong

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:58

It's not that difficult to make your own if you eat a lot of it 

I can post up some links if you are interested.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:59


IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:50:00

biltongbox.com :: Index

Disclosure: this is someone I know via another forum.I'm sure other biltong forums exist 
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