Autopilot Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:32

Absolutely. Most bottled water is just treated tap water anyway.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:32

Something that worries enviromentalists is that countries like China are switching from bikes to cars. Take the population of India at one billion. Now imagine about one car between every two or three people. Add in a large screen TV, air conditioning, electrical gadgets, foreign holidays and everything else then throw in the power stations needed to deliver all that. Then add in the amount of oil, plastics, steel, concrete and other resources to provide it all. We can't say for the sake of the planet you can't have what we have we have no right.

At present each one of our kids has a far bigger impact on the planet than each african kid. If it comes to it each one of our kids is probably consuming enough food to feed a few African kids. As other countries become like us this effect will be multiplied.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:32

Miyazaki said Africa was the problem I pointed out that we are guilty of a few things as well.

The other thing is that if we **** the planet up we might all be worrying about food. I'm also fully in favour of limiting the population. I've posted as such before. However, again we can't tell other nations to do something unless we are prepared to do it ourselves.

Synchro Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:32

There is a requirement for bottled water in some countries.Banning it is a blinkered, ignorant suggestion.By all means don't buy it, but don't suggest it should be banned.Think outside your small box sometimes.

BAN5HEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:32

Promote cannibalism. I say we start eating all the vegetarians first. 

PoochJD Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:33


FWIW, I too would not want bottled water banned, even in the Western World. For some, it's the taste, and for others it's the convenience of having unpolluted water available to hand, at anytime, irrespective of where they are in the world. And are the water companies not aware of the sick irony of them complaining that people drink bottled water rather than tap, and yet they complain if we waste tap water, but are happy for millions of gallons of that same tap water to haemorrage via old, unreliable, iron pipes up and down our nation?! 

But, as others have mentioned, Hilary Benn is not really (in my opinion) the man to be telling us, what to do, or what not to do, bearing in mind his large family and probably food bills too! It'd be the same as John Prescott telling me to only use one car! 

Until we control the population increases, any controlling of food or food waste, is going to merely make a tiny dent in the problem of enough food for everyone to eat. Even in today's papers, there are articles suggesting that BOGOF (Buy One, Get One Free) deals should be stopped, in order to stop wastage.

But, BOGOF deals aren't the inherent problem. Most sensible people, will either only buy a BOGOF deal, if they already want the product anyway (or fancy getting two for the price of one, effectively) or would have bought two of that product in the first place. Only idiots with more money than sense are likelyto buy BOGOF deals, but then discard the item they got free, not having used it.

Ultimately, with more mouths to feed every day, and with people now living for far, far longer, trying to limit what people should or shouldn't eat, is not the best way to help.

I also found it rather hypocritical of people in power (governments) telling us the public to do something or not to do something, when they themselves would be exempt. In Episode 4 of the recent TORCHWOOD mini-series, there was a great example of sickening irony, when they had to decide which ten per cent of the children would be given to the 456 aliens. First thing they did, was made sure that their own children and families were exempt from the cull! They then exempted the "worthy" children, who attended private schools and were of intelligent or societal value. How soon will it be before a government starts deciding which of us can even be allowed to exist, let alone live a life of any value at all, irrespective of the significance of that life?! 

Readers of this thread, may also enjoy the sick irony of a Beijing ecologist wanting to charge locals for breathing air! See here, if you don't believe me!


sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:33

But not the vegetarian clowns.
Apparently they taste funny.

Solomon Grundy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:56:33

It's all just blah blah blah nonsense from another useless politician.
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