fizzi Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:01

How long will it last?

If you don't expect to go shopping for a month then the above isn't too bad.

And another thing....

why will all the supermarkets be absolutely heaving again on the first day they are open after Christmas? Considering all the panic buying that goes on before this has always puzzled me.

ps - to answer OP's question - I have not spent any more on Xmas food than I normally spend on 'normal' food. Mainly 'cos I'm working all over Xmas and New Year and mainly 'cos I resent the spending the extra on snazzily packaged items of food (usually processed rubbish) that I never usually buy anyway.

wormvortex Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:01

Makes me glad I don't eat much. Spending that sort of money on food is a waste IMO.

Uridium Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:01

Ours was an extra £75 on top of our usual £300 (That's monthly though) 2 Adults, 3 kids

John Henry Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:01

I've did some of my christmas shopping, doing the rest in the week, but whenever I do any kind of shopping half of it is always cat food.

Got 3 of my own and I have 5 strays outside I feed.

PJTX100 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:02

I can't believe anyone's organised enough to buy food for a week, let alone a month.  We seem to shop for food every day!

If we get change from £600ish over the xmas period I'll be happy.

We are feeding at least 3 families on Xmas day however. 

ducattigezzer Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:02

well in the last couple of weeks the total what we spent on christmas just on food is £10000

But im a chef in a 14 bed 60 seater hotel

so while your all enjoying your nice christmas break i'll be working and no i dont get overtime

danmc_82 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:02

It should last us the month. Like Uridium Ive only spent about £80 on top of my usual shop. It mostly went on Booze and last minute gifts.

eric pisch Publish time 26-11-2019 05:57:02

the supermarkets have got very good at fleecing people for money, they rely on the fact that most people are knackered after working hard all week and dont ever look at prices and just grab the brands they recognise

followed the money saving experts advice and we have reduced our weekly shopping bill by £120 a week! Which is a serious amount of wedge over a year.

last year the Christmas shop cost about £250 (have 10 people over for crimbo) and our Christmas eve party cost £350. With some planning and cooking some bits our selves this year we think we can do the party for £100 and crimbo for £200
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