Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:57

Warnings on food lables

I was putting a box (or two) of micro chips in to the microwave and I saw the warning "Caution, contents and box will be hot after cooking".

Now who on earth needs to be told that food is hot after being cooked in a microwave.

It's like the bag of nuts I brought, labled Brazil nuts in a clear plastic bag so you can see the nuts, with an alergy warning "Contains Nuts". The jar of Peanut butter in my cupboard clearly says on the lable "Peanut Butter" yet also on the lable says "Contains Peanuts".

Who the hell are these warning lables for, and if they are so thick they need warning lables, would they be able to read them anyway.

Why state the blindingly obvious on food lables?

Toasty Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:58

Yeah, the label should have read "Caution, may not taste like chips" 

Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:59

People like to sue big companies.

Setenza Publish time 26-11-2019 05:58:59

We label people so why not food?

ufitsy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:00

I bought a new pair of boots last week & a warning on the box said do not eat.

Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:00

But why state the obvious. We know food gets hot by cooking in a microwave, so why the need to say so on the lable. I can understand listing the contents where food is mixed up like a tin of stew or a pastry produce may contain nuts which will make some one with an alergy ill.

The nanny state is going too far when something obvious is stated like a bag of Brazil nuts-alergy warning,caution contains nuts-what the hell would you expect to find in a Bag of Brazil nuts.

It's time to rebel and demand the right to take some risks. If I want to drive without a seat belt, I should have the choice or ride a motor bike without a helmet. As long as I know the possible risk to myself it should be my responsability not the nanny state.

Too many health and safety laws are ruining this country. Children can't play conkers as they might hurt themselves. You can't have a traditional pancake race, someone might fall and hurt them self. You can't have a snowball fight with written consent from all persons involved. You can't pick up a woman in a bar and take her to bed without written consent from her and a breatherlyzer test to make sure she is not too drunk to make a decision.

Ian J Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:00

To stop being sued by the kind of idiots who sue McDonalds because the hot coffee that they spilt on themselves wasn't labelled as being hot or the stupid American woman who bathed her dog and tried to dry it in the microwave cooker then sued the manufacturer when it died

Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:00

What next, signs every few yards in the street.

Don't forget to breath.

Walk safely, put one foot in front of the other.

Lables on Fruit will be next-warning this is an apple, do not bite off too much or you may choke- Do not put whole apple in mouth as this may block your airway-

instructions on Bananas-Do not open with explosives- Don't insert whole banana in mouth as choking may occure-Don't attempt to stick banana up your bottom-

Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:00

If they display such stupidity, then they should be shot as they are unfit to remain on this earth.

eric pisch Publish time 26-11-2019 05:59:01

same as the peanut packs that contain "warning may contain nuts" and they do i checked lol

Welcome to the nanny state, where you have to label everything 30 times to protect those with limited intelligence from removing themselves from the gene pool.

Personal responsability is no longer needed when you can ban something, fine people for doing something (double bonus) or stick dozens of warning signs on things.

You used to say, dont step into the road you will be hit by a car and die, now its step into the road if your hit we will fine the driver and give him points.
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